Without even trying Jimin instantly spoke "Taehyung?".

"Yeah it's me" Taehyung said, Jimin pulled down his blindfold "oh.. what are you doing here?" He asks "shopping, my mum asked me to do the shopping.... Who's that?" Taehyung asked pointing to Jungkook.

"I'm his boyfriend, you must be Taehyung, Jimin's good friend" Jungkook said squeezing Jimin's hand that he still hasn't let go of.

Jimin's eyes widened slightly as he looked at Jungkook clearly confused as to what the hell Jungkook was talking about.

"Yeah although I didn't know Jimin had a boyfriend" Taehyung smiled "I didn't either" Jimin mumbled under his breath "what was that?" Taehyung asked.

"Nothing" Jimin smiled "What your name?" Taehyung asked turning to Jungkook "Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook" Jungkook said.

"Well nice to meet you Jungkook, I hope your treating Jimin well" Taehyung said his smile slightly disappearing "we will have a problem if your not" he said.

"Yes Jimin and I get along great and I treat him well, right Min?" Jungkook asked "Min?" Taehyung questioned an eyebrow raised.

"He calls me that sometimes" Jimin faked a smile "and you just let him?" Taehyung asked "well yes he is my boyfriend and I don't mind" Jimin smiled.

"Right well I'm gonna get back to shopping have fun on your date" Taehyung said walking off "thanks" Jungkook smiled.

"I will kill you!" Jimin sighed once Taehyung was out of sight.


"Jungkook, he doesn't like me like that" Jimin sighed "are you sure he didn't seem to like the fact that I called you Min, something he also calls you" Jungkook said.

The two boys had gone to get food and Jimin demanded and explanation. To which Jungkook said he wanted to see Taehyung's reaction and he was sure Taehyung had to had some type of feeling that was more than friends.

But Jimin was sure he was just chatting rubbish.

"Come on Jimin just think about it, he could think you don't like him and not want to ruin things between you, I mean if he did you wouldn't know unless you confessed to him" Jungkook said.

"I almost did once before but he cancelled our plans so I didn't and I'm not about to try doing it again, that was a clear sign that I shouldn't confess" Jimin sighed.

"Just try it!" Jungkook sighed "nope I'm not trying it,  and there's really nothing you can say to make me confess, I mean what if we do like each other and we date and then break up? We're both left with nothing so let's just leave it" Jimin said.


When Jimin got home he wasn't expecting a certain someone laying on his living room couch watching TV like it was their own home.

"Taehyung what are you doing here?" Jimin asked "well I was waiting for you to come back to we can talk about this new boyfriend of your Chim" Taehyung said.

"hold up, Chim? What even is that?" Jimin asked "it's a new nickname for you if you don't like it I've thought of other onea" Taehyung said siting up and making space for Jimin to sit down. Something Jimin did.

"Why do I need a new nickname?" He asked "well we can't have too many people calling you Min" Taehyung said "well you are not calling me Chim, I will not respond to it so don't you dare" Jimin said.

"Alright well think of another name then" Taehyung said "no Taehyung you are going to call me Jimin or Min otherwise I won't respond" Jimin sighed.

"Fine but you and your boyfriend, how long have you been dating and when we're you gonna tell me?" Taehyung asked "for about a week and I waiting for the right time to tell you" Jimin lied.

"he's not that great you could do better Min but if that's who want to day I'll support you as long as he doesn't do anything to you" Taehyung sighed.

"I think he's actually really good looking though, as well as he's really fit and he has a great character, not onl-" Taehyung cut him off "shut up I don't want to know" he said turning back to the TV.

"Why not? Maybe he could find you someone like that" Jimin said "oh please I don't want someone like him, he's so... Not worth it" Taehyung said.

"Hey! He has a great smile, one that lights up my day and his hand are really gr-" "shut up! I don't want to hear about your new love" Taehyung said.

"Alright I'll stop" Jimin laughed.

"It's a bit weird that your suddenly dating though it been like 2 years since your last boyfriend" Taehyung said "yeah, that's true, but Jungkook... He just-" "alright that's enough!"

💔~Wrong or right~💖
Chapter 1
Word count:1400

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