'He sounds like me when I'm internally berating myself. He shouldn't think like that! He's perfect! Wait did I just describe him as perfect?'

He sucked in a sharp breath of air as he finally decided he'd been here long enough and should stop listening to the conversation he wasn't a part of. So he carefully went back upstairs into Tsukishima's room. Eventually settling to lie on the bed with his phone till Tsukishima was done talking to his brother.

He was ignoring the curiosity that tried to convince him to go back and keep listening. It was none of his business. It was never meant for him to hear. If it was important he'd know about it. That's what he told himself.

'What if Akiteru said that because Tsukki doesn't like me anymore?'

The thought suddenly appeared in his mind and all other trains of thought were shut down, forcing his focus onto the one that he shouldn't focus on.

'But he's not like that... If that was true he would just leave or tell me to stop, Tsukki wouldn't pretend to be my friend... would he?'

Honestly, Tsukishima didn't tell him anything. The blond knew a lot about his life but he didn't know much about Tsukishima other than a few likes and dislikes.

"Yamaguchi." He flinched when a hand-blocked his view of his phone screen.

"O-oh! Hey Tsukki!" He smiled as he sat up.
"How'd it go with Akiteru?"

'Why the hell would you ask him that of ALL things?'

Tsukishima stared at him for a second. As if questioning how much he should give away.

"It was okay." The blond shrugged. Not planning on adding anything else.

He tried to mask how uncomfortable he was, knowing it was likely him they were talking about. Maybe it wasn't and Tsukishima had some other friend he was unaware of. Yeah, maybe he shouldn't jump to conclusions. It could've been someone else.

"Hey. I have to go shopping in a few minutes, you wanna stay here or come with me?" His friend walked around the room and gathered up a few items. Just what he'd need.

"I'll go with you!" He didn't want to stay at Tsukishima's house without Tsukishima. It felt wrong to just be there. Even if he knew Akiteru and Ms. Tsukishima wouldn't mind.

So he hopped up and also gathered a few items before following his friend downstairs and out the door. He ended up saying goodbye to Akiteru because Tsukishima ignored his brother's farewell. What was he expecting him to do really? He didn't like Akiteru.

They walked in silence toward the shop. It wasn't a mall or anything, more of a place with a bunch of stalls with stuff they sold. Although he was semi-curious as to why they'd go here instead, he concluded that it was either the only place to get whatever Tsukishima wanted or it had the least people. It was no secret that Tsukishima hated most people with a passion. Yamaguchi stole a glance at the taller male now and then. Either the blond didn't notice or he didn't care because he never said anything.

After a time they got there and looked around. There was a max of about sixteen stalls here. It wasn't too small or too big and there were about nine other people there.

He noticed a small dog on a leash attached to a pole, seemingly waiting for its master to return. There was one thing he knew about Tsukishima, he liked dogs and found them adorable.

"Tsukki! Look a doggy!" He smiled and tugged at his friend's sleeve to get his attention as he pointed at it. Tsukishima looked at the dog for a second and looked away.

"Okay." He replied in a monotone voice.

"Do you want to pet the dog?" Yamaguchi smirked at him. He knew the answer already... but would he admit it the first time?

"No." He lied. The freckled male raised a brow at him with a smug look.

"Oh?" Moments like these were always fun because for once he got to be the smug one. Tsukishima may seem cold but he's just a secret cinnamon roll for cute things.

"..... Yes..."

"I knew it!"

"Shut up, Yamaguchi." He deadpanned as the shorter male dragged them over to the dog and they both crouched down to pet it.

"Sorry, Tsukki." Yamaguchi giggled.

The dog was really friendly. It was a blond pomeranian, really fluffy too. It must've been bathed recently.

The small animal yipped playfully and licked their hands. Yamaguchi silently wished he could snap a picture of Tsukishima's expression. A small content smile on his face.

As if on cue, a flash startled them and they turned to view whoever took a photo. There stood Hinata and Kageyama. Hinata holding a polaroid camera and taking out the picture he just took.

"Who knew Stingyshima liked dogs!" Hinata laughed as he copied the picture three more times and gave Kageyama one, then Yamaguchi and Tsukishima.

"Seriously?" Tsukishima glared at him but he just laughed.

"I'm going to tell everyone!" The ginger smirked mischievously.

"Don't you dare!" The blonde hissed but Hinata already ran off. He didn't have the energy to chase him. Nor did Kageyama by the expression the setter was wearing as he watched Hinata disappear in the distance.

All three of them just looked at each other before Kageyama went to go find his ball of energy, leaving them to their devices.

Yamaguchi looked at the picture. He was smiling happily in the front with Tsukishima looking content in the background as the dog licked his hand. He thought Tsukishima's face in the picture was cuter than the dog itself and that was saying something.

As much as he wanted to keep it he didn't want to keep a random picture of his friend without permission so he held it out to the blond.

"There is no point in giving that to me. We both know it'll make no difference. Hinata will probably just print another one." He was right. Yet for some reason the fact that he could keep it made him feel happy inside.

"Okay, Tsukki!" He smiled and put the picture in one of his pockets as they both walked off to find whatever Tsukishima wanted to buy.

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