~Chapter 4~

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Mingi's POV:
There's nothing to do....*sigh* i was still on my bed thinking about what should i do today, My phone vibrated, i got up i picked up my phone to see if there was any messages, it was yunho, i went to my messages and see what he sent to me. I saw his message," hey mingi are you free today?" He was online and i replied,i have nothing to do so yeah, i replied back " you wanna go to the park?" He replied. Sure i'd love that, i replied "Great, cant wait to see you there" he replied, wait is this a date? i sented the message to him, "oh- u-um nooooo" he replied, oh okie, i repiled. Wait what time do i meet you there?, i replied to his message again, "hm how about at 9:30 am?" He replied, Sure, seems a little bit early but okay, i replied "great see you there!" He replied, you see there as well, i replied.

Yunho's POV:
While i was texting mingi, he questioned if this was a date?,  and i replied in a nervous way, this is a date i just dont want him to know thats all... i texted him to come to the park at 9:30 am yeah i know its too early but i wanted both of us to enjoy the breeze outside, its cold outside, so i'll bring an extra jacket just in case if mingi forgets it may sound like a classic thing to do but i didnt want him to freeze, during windy days its cold outside. But still i cant wait to meet him there.

~At 9:25 a.m~

Mingi's POV:
Its 9:25 a.m better get ready! I went to my closet and i took out a white sweater and black jeans. I went to take a shower, used my sweater, i hope that this will keep me warm from the wind so i dont need to bring a jacket during windy days its cold and so i used my jeans and went downstairs "mingi where are you going?" My mom said, im going to the park with yunho, "okay then enjoy your date~" my mom said, mooooooom its not a date im just hanging out with a friend, " if you say so~" my mom said,  i sighed and said goodbye to my mom and she said goodbye back i went outside and used my shoes and yes i am using socks of course.

~At the park, 9:30 am~

Yunho's POV:
Im already at the park and im waiting for mingi, it was freezing outside i wonder if mingis okay, i looked around and saw mingi, as i saw mingi i shouted, mingi im here! , he started running as fast he can to come to me, What a cutie 💖💖💖, He was running to me until he tripped infront of me , i grabbed him he held me as if he was hugging me, he took his arms off me and said,"s-sorry yunho!" Said mingi, i sighed and told him, next time dont be so clumsy please glad thing i caught you," yeah" said mingi, so wanna go for a walk? "Yeah i would love to!". We faced foward and started walking.

Mingi's POV:
Me and yunho were just walking around the park, while we were walking i was cold, im cold,  i started to shiver cause it was the cold the wind was cold, how am i so cold when im using a sweater? I thought the sweater would keep me warm , " glad thing i brought an extra jacket" yunho said, he putted his jacket on my shoulders, thanks yunho, "no problem" he said,what he did was a very classic movement but im glad he brought an extra jacket,next time if we go to the park during windy days i gotta bring a jacket.

Yunho's POV:
Good thing i brought an extra jacket, cmon lets continue on walking around the park. "Okay" said mingi. We walked around  the park, and the view was amazing. As me and mingi walked i get the feeling i wanna hold mingi's hand, i dont know why but i want to, should i do it, i'll just do it. I slowly took my hand out and took mingi's hand, his hand was soft. Mingi stopped and looked down to see my hand holding his, uh- why a-are you" said mingi talking in a shy way, i dont wanna let go of your hand, "w-why?" Said mingi, cause i dont wanna your hand is soft, " i- uhhhh" said mingi while he blushed, shall we continue to walk, "o-okay but are you gonna let go of my hand?" Mingi said, like i said im not gonna let go of your hand, "o-oh okay" said mingi, and as so we continued to walk.

Mingi's POV:
Oh god yunho's holding my hand, mingi calm down, dont be so dramatic, as me and yunho walked i saw an ice cream stan, and yet the ice cream's free! Hey yunho wanna have ice cream?," yea sure but where can we-", i pointed at where the ice cream stan was at, the ice cream is not that far and its free as well,"well lets go there then", we walked to the ice cream stan once we got there  we asked the man at the ice cream stan what flavours we want,  can i have mint chocolate chip?, " sure and what would you want sir?" Said the man in the ice cream stan," i'd like to have vanilla" said yunho, while the man was preparing i saw Y/N and seonghwa sitting on a bench, they look cute together, i mumbled, i hope someday that me and yunho will be a couple like seonghwa and Y/N are, "Sorry what was that?" Said yunho,
O-oh nothing,"oh okay" said yunho, "here are your ice creams" said the man that owns the ice cream stan, Me and yunho said thank you and took our ice cream," hey about we sit there?", Yunho pointed where he wanted us to sit the bench was one block away from where Y/N and seonghwa sat at so it was no problem,sure lets sit there, i said to yunho, we went to the bench where yunho wanted us to sit, we sitted down and enjoy our ice cream.

Me and seonghwa are in the park enjoying our date, "hey i have a small challenge for us" said seonghwa,yea what is it?, he took out a box of pocky from his small bag, in my mind was like: Oh its this challenge,i get the feeling i know what's gonna happen. , i wacthed him as he opened the box of pocky , opened the plastic bag and took one pocky out, he putted the rest back in the box and putted in his small bag. Sweetie i know what youre about to do, i bitted at the side of the pocky, "since you know what im about to do, then alright" said seonghwa, he took the other side and slowly bitted foward, i did the same thing as well, as our face got closer, seonghwa rushed and straight foward kissed my lips, i was suprised,but i kissed back, our kiss was a little longer, it seems like he didnt want to stop,a few seconds later we stopped, " was the kiss good?~" said seonghwa, yes, yes it was good seonghwa, "sorry who's seonghwa?" Said seonghwa as he joked, i sighed and said, yes, yes it was good honey, "much better" said seonghwa, this man may act like this, but it was worth being his gilrfriend.

Mingi's POV:
As me and yunho was enjoying our ice cream, i was looking at yunho, he looked so cute enjoying his ice cream, he enjoyed his ice cream like a little puppy, adorable💖💖💖, yunho caught me
Staring at him, " do you need anything?" Said yunho, on nothing, "if you say so" he continued to enjoy his ice cream and i looked away, i was looking around and saw Y/N and seonghwa doing something,  i think their doing the pocky challenge, classic, i continued to look at what they were doing, and once Y/N and seonghwa's face got closer , seonghwa all of the sudden rushed and kissed Y/N, i could tell Y/N was shocked but she kissed back, i wacthed them kissed and it seems like their kiss was a little long, and mostly seonghwa was mostly doing the kissing, as if he didnt want himself and Y/N to stop, is seonghwa kinky orrrrrr eh whatever, few seconds later they stopped. Also as i was wacthing them i was eating my ice cream and i finished it, i looked at yunho's just to see if he finished, he did and i caught him staring at me,  yunho hello you lost?, " yea lost in your beatiful eyes..." said yunho,o-oh i was kinda speechless and kinda blushed ahahaha, he shaked his head, "oh i- uhhh did you heard what i said?" Said yunho, Yea i did, "fuck!" He hid his face and blushed, i giggled, and patted his back, you dont have to hide your face yunho, he took his hands off his face, "okay...." . I hugged him and he hugged me back, not gonna lie his hug is warm.

Yunho's POV:
Shit mingi heard what i said, i hid my face and blushed, he patted my head and said, "you dont have to hide your face" he said, i took my hands off my face, okay...., he hugged me and i hugged him back, not gonna lie his eyes are very beautiful...

Soo like... just added this thing today, got nothing to say but... stay healthy and stay hydrated!

In love with my best friend.~Yungi~ (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now