Secrets Don't Stay Secret

Start from the beginning

Marionette looked inside and saw the two Jay's fighting over a blue crystal the size of her hand. Cole, Zane, Kai, Nya, and Lloyd were standing shocked still. Marionette has zero clue who was the real Jay and clearly his friends and girlfriend did not either. When the five got over their shock they started wrestling for the crystal too until eventually it flew into the air. Everyone was in a heap on the ground so they could not catch it. Luckily Marionette caught it from the air. The two Jay's sprinted up and yelled. "Give it!" Marionette in the heat of the moment ran. She had zero clue what this was, but she knew one thing for sure. Hawkmoth wanted this badly.

She ran into the closest classroom and slammed the door shut. The ones in the current class was Adrien, Nino, Alya, Chloe, Luka, Kim, Max, Kagami and Alex. The teacher had not arrived yet and Marionette was clutching the jewel in her hands. The present classmates looked at her some in worry others in curiosity, and Chloe did not look up from her nails.

"Marionette are you okay?" Luka asks getting up with some other students. "Jay fighting Jay.....I think someone got akumatized and is after this crystal," Marionette looks at the object wondering what was so important about it. "Yes I am," A voice said and everyone turned to the window seeing a girl with dark blue skin, a peacock feathered dress, high heels, long blue hair, a peacock feather hand fan and a eerie smile. She looked like Mayura, but she was definitely someone else. "Now Hawkmoth wants the crystal give it to me," The strange villain orders. Marionette clutched it protectively and her classmates, even Chloe, got in front of her protectively. "And who are you supposed to be?" Chloe asks snobbish as always. "Names blue bird and I need that Crystal," Blue Bird demands again stepping from the window into the classroom. As if on cue the door bursts in and the previous group stumbled in. They saw the blue lady, but were more focused on the crystal Marionette was holding. One of the Jay's lunged for the crystal trying to grab it. He knocked Marionette over and before anyone could react Blue Bird picked it up smiling victorious.

"No!" The group yelled and jumped at her trying to get the crystal back. The fake Jay disappears proving it was a senti-monster. "Give that back!" Lloyd yelled demanding. The peacock holder just laughs and kicked him away right into Kai's arms. "Awww does the brats want their only ticket home?" Blue bird mocks holding the crystal and the six went pale. "That's right I know. Secrets don't stay secret and if you don't do what Hawkmoth wants you will never see home again," Blue Bird said in a manner knowing she had all the cards. The students looked at the six. "What is she talking about?" Kagami asked. "What does a crystal have to do with going home?" Max asks. The six did not answer clearly feeling desperate. "Don't do anything rash please. Give us the crystal," Zane said his voice calm. Blue Bird hums, but did not say anything instead she smiles. "Or I could just call a friend," She said and a blue portal opens and the crystal glows. Everyone gasps in surprise and then in fear when none other than Hawkmoth came from the portal.

He looked at the students and his eyes lingered on Adrien, but no one noticed. "So it really does work as expected," Hawkmoth looked at the crystal than looked back at the students. "I can see your fear," Hawkmoth said. Adrien clenches his fists and stepped forward. "We are not afraid of you Hawkmoth or Blue Bird," Adrien said. The students stepped forward and the ninja looked at each other. "Neither are we. Give us the crystal or taste our power," Lloyd said. "You may not be from here, but your just children," Hawkmoth said. "No were ninja," And with that said Lloyd's hand lit up with green energy and he shot it at the two villains. Taken off guard the two fell back and the crystal went flying and when it landed a blue portal opened up. Marionette shot to the crystal and scooped it up, but was tackled by Blue Bird. The two fought and Marionette was pushed in the portal with the crystal and Alya tried getting her best friend only to fall in, followed by Nino and Adrien. When Adrien fell in Hawkmoth jumped in next though everyone assumed to get the crystal. The ninja jumped in next and the portal closed. With the portal closed all was silent.

"What the heck was that?!" Kagami screeches her usual calm demeanour totally gone. "Where did they go?" Kim asks. "Are they gonna be okay?" Chloe asks and everyone looked at her surprised. "What? I don't want anything bad to happen to them even Dupen-chang," Chloe admits. Blue Bird smirks. "With Hawkmoth out of town things are going to get much more interesting," She said. "What are you gonna do? What's worse than Hawkmoth making a giant butterfly?" Alex asks the villain. Blue Bird hums. "The one thing Ladybug's lucky charm cannot fix," She said. "Oh yeah? And what's that?" Kim asks. She smiles wider.

"Someone's death," she answers plucking a feather from her fan.


The children plus Hawkmoth fell and no one could see where the crystal was. They were all free falling and screaming for their lives. Hawkmoth used his staff and used it to slow his fall while everyone else was on their own. "Marionette we don't really have a choice here," Tiki said. Marionette knew she was right. "Alya!" Marionette screams and her friend looked at her terrified. "It's going to be okay," She yelled. "Think we cannot rely on Ladybug this time," Plag said to Adrien as the ground got closer.

"We got this," Cole said and slams his fists together. Suddenly a brown dragon appears and he uses it catching Jay and Nino. Kai and Lloyd grabbed hands and made their own fusion dragon. They used it to catch Marionette and Nya while Zane followed the lead and caught Alya once he summoned his own dragon. The dragons roared and reared up as they slowed the fall until they soured. The four Parisian students were in shock at everything. "Guess we have some explaining to do?" Jay broke the silence.

"WE ARE RIDING ON DRAGONS THAT YOU MADE!" Alya yelled before saying. "Awesome I knew there was something about you six," Alya said totally pumped at being right. "First off where in the world are we?" Marionette asks looking around. The ninja looked around and saw a familiar horizon. "Were not in your world," Jay said. "We are in home," Kai said. "Which is?" Nino asks. "In Ninjago," Zane answers.


Hawkmoth landed on a mountain that had a burned down structure. It had been abandoned long ago and he had zero clue where he was, but he needed to find Adrien he had to come first so they can get home. "Who are you?" A smooth voice asks and Hawkmoth turned seeing something he thought he would never see. It was a humanoid white snake with purple marks and red eyes. "What are you?" Hawkmoth asks. "Well that's rather rude. I am Pythor P Chumsworth the last of the great anacondrai. And might I tell you your a little old for day of the departed dress up," Pythor said with a amused smile. In a flash Hawkmoth had Pythor's long neck in his fist. "Where am I?" Hawkmoth growls. Pythor chokes and Hawkmoth loosens his grip slightly so the snake could speak. "Your in Ninjago," Pythor answers. Hawkmoth thought having no recognition of that name. "And do you know anything about a child named Lloyd who has green energy powers?" Hawkmoth asks and Pythor's eyes turned a evil gleam seeing the evil intent in Hawkmoth's. "Oh I can tell you all you wish," Pythor said.

Sooooo what did you think? I redid this chapter so many times trying to get it perfect and I hope to god you all like it. I worked hard on it and I promise more action after a bit of fluff checking out the home of the ninja. And BTW the reason why Hawkmoth did not give Natalie the Peacock miraculous was because he was afraid Natalie could not take another transformation. Lila has no clue what will happen if she used too much of the broken miraculous's power. As for the realm crystal it is gonna take a lot of tracking to track that down. 

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