Uncle Shawn stays for the weekend

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Zayn wakes up at 9:30 and he hears Liam, Louis, and Harry talking and watching a movie in the living room. He gets up and makes his way to the bathroom, he showers and does what he needs to. He then grabs his phone and goes into the living room. He checks his phone and sees that Shawn has texted him.

Shawn: Hey am I still staying for the weekend?

Zayn: Yeah, we're having a lazy day so come when you want

They text back and forth for a while before Shawn decides to come at 11 so in one hour. "Boys uncle Shawn is coming to stay for the weekend," Zayn says to them as he sees Niall walk in and sit on the couch and cuddles up to Liam. "Can he teach me guitar again?" Niall asks from his spot on the couch "I don't know you'll have to ask him when he gets here"

An hour passes by and he arrives. He gets his bag from the passenger seat and comes to the door. When he goes to ring the bell Louis opens the door and runs to hug him. "I missed you, uncle Shawn," he says. He lifts his arms to be carried into the house by Shawn.

Harry on the other hand isn't too excited. He's always shy at first when people arrive at their house. "Hi Harry," Shawn says. He gets shy and hides his face in the couch. "Harry be nice and say hello" Liam scolds lightly tapping his leg. "Hi" he whispers. Shawn just waves at him and takes a seat on the couch next to him still holding Louis. They finish the movie they were watching and Shawn cuddles with Louis. They decide on other movie expecting the little ones to fall asleep because it's their quiet time. A quarter of the way through it Harry falls asleep, but they don't worry about him because he has a pull-up on. Louis squirms a little on Shawn's lap. Shawn noticed but thinks he's trying to get comfortable. He squirms again 5 minutes later and grabs his crotch. Zayn notices and says "Lou go to the bathroom" Louis looks at him then gets up to go. Before he walks away though he grabs Shawns hand wanting him to come with. Shawn not knowing what to do just looks at Zayn and Liam. "It's fine you can go, unless you don't want to I will," Liam says starting to move Harry and get up "No it's okay I can go," Shawn says before Liam is all the way up.

They go to the bathroom and Louis sits on the toilet. "Oh, you have to poo?" Shawn asks not knowing Louis peed sitting down. "No silly I go sitting down," Louis says swinging his legs. Shawn soon hears pee hitting the water. "You all done?" He asks Louis "Yeah I think so," he says back. His tummy is hurting because he needs to go poo, but he doesn't want his Uncle Shawn to think he's gross so he decided he was going to hold it until he left. They get cleaned up and wash their hands and then go to the couch to cuddle again. Everyone ends up falling asleep.

Harry wakes up first and soon realizes he need to potty and he needs a change. "Daddy," He says trying to wake up Zayn. His need gets worse so he starts crying and trying to wake Zayn. Shawn ends up waking up asking "what's wrong Harry?" Harry looks at him and sobs louder. "Gotta potty" He cries out. "I can take you," Shawn says trying to help. "N-Nooo want daddy-y" He sobs stuttering a bit. "You go potty and I'll wake up your daddy okay?" Shawn says knowing if Harry waits too long he'll have an accident. Harry runs to the bathroom and he hears Harry moving stuff around. He ignores it and tries to wake Zayn. Zayn finally wakes up after 5 minutes and Shawns surprised Harry hasn't come back yet. Zayn goes into the bathroom to see Harry pouting and sitting on his plastic potty.

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