About them

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Louis and Harry are 11 year old twins who were born early.

Louis is more developed than Harry. He's potty trained during the day and wears a pull up during the night. His motor skills are good and he can be energetic but once he's tired he gets grumpy.

Harry is not as developed because he couldn't get oxygen in his brain when he was born so that set him back

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Harry is not as developed because he couldn't get oxygen in his brain when he was born so that set him back. He's getting potty trained so he's in pull ups during the day and wears nappies during the night. His motor skills aren't as great and he gets frustrated when he can't do things right.

 His motor skills aren't as great and he gets frustrated when he can't do things right

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Niall is 16 and their older brother. He picks on them like normal brothers do, but if someone else picks on them he defends them. He's lactose intolerant so he can't have anything with a lot of dairy

Liam is their Papa he's Louis' favorite parent even though he would never admit it

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Liam is their Papa he's Louis' favorite parent even though he would never admit it. He's the more soft parent when the kids get in trouble he only scolds them and puts them in timeout. He spoils the kids sometimes but not much because Zayn doesn't like when he does

 He spoils the kids sometimes but not much because Zayn doesn't like when he does

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Zayn is their dad/daddy he's more strict than Liam. He's Harry's favorite parent. He cuddles with the kids and likes watching movies with them. He gives worse punishments than Liam, he spanks them if it's something really bad that they've done.

Daisy and Phoebe are the boys cousins they are 13 and don't like when the boys come over because they steal all the attention from them

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Daisy and Phoebe are the boys cousins they are 13 and don't like when the boys come over because they steal all the attention from them. They like going on trips with them but Phoebe gets carsick so she doesn't like long car rides.

 They like going on trips with them but Phoebe gets carsick so she doesn't like long car rides

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Fizzy is 16 and loves the boys and loves taking care of them. She loves to go on trips with them and she likes hanging out with her friends. 🕊

Lottie is 20 and likes going to the boys house and also likes going on trips, She likes to go spend time and stay the night there

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Lottie is 20 and likes going to the boys house and also likes going on trips, She likes to go spend time and stay the night there. She's in her last year of college and studying makeup.

Shawn Mendes is Liam's best friend and is around the boys a lot

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Shawn Mendes is Liam's best friend and is around the boys a lot. The boys call him uncle Shawn and he likes to sing and play guitar for them. He's teaching Niall how to play guitar

 He's teaching Niall how to play guitar

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