Killian opens two portals. "Remember, if anything seems off, mindlink me immediately," Killian orders, and they nod, knowing the dangers of leaving the Crimson Shadow territory.

Knox's group leaves first, and then Killian's group. He grabs my arm tightly as we step through the portal.

We land in sand.

I know right away that this is the sand from my vision.

I start coughing, and try to hide that it's blood, but Killian notices immediately.

"This is the place?" He asks once my coughing fit is over, and I nod, wiping blood from my mouth with my gloved hand.

Killian disappears, and reappears with another portal, which the other team steps through.

"I love Seers!" Layla cheers. "See how much faster everything is?"

Maryn nudges her. "Chill. We still have to find them."

Knox puts his hand over his eyebrows, shielding them from the sun and looking into the distance. "We already did."

Far in the distance, past the mounds of white sand, I could see the outline of people, but not much else.

"Stay here," Killian orders before immediately disappearing.

After a few moments, he comes back. "Alright, they won't shoot. But best behavior please. Especially you, Maryn."

Maryn rolls her eyes and grumbles. We begin trudging through the sand, and I'm glad Killian didn't teleport us. Traversing between the dimensions was seriously making my nausea even worse.

Under the hot desert sun, my knees buckle, and I crumple into the sand. I was weaker than I thought.

Jae and Knox swear. "I'm fine," I groan, holding my hand up to stop Kage and Layla, who looked like they were about one second away from helping me to my feet.

"You said you were fine," Killian hisses, bending over, and I swallow my nausea, knowing that even a little bit of bile will get me sent through a portal back to Crimson Shadow immediately.

"I am," I snap. "It's just the sun," I insist, and rise to my feet, but when I sway slightly, Killian instantly picks me up and cradles me to his chest.

"Don't argue," He mutters, and he seems mad, though I'm not sure why. Perhaps because I'm slowing them down.

As we continue walking through the sand, Killian doesn't seem bothered nor slowed down by now having to tow me along. In fact, his mood has significantly improved, and I see a ghost of a smile on his lips as we get closer to the leathered people.

Once we're almost there, I struggle out of Killian's arms, and he gently places me down after a moment of hesitating.

The people in leather stare at us in interest. A muscular man with dark skin wearing only a pair of pants and leather cuffs similar to Killian's steps forward. He looks dangerous.

And hot.

"Hello, I am Akoni," He greets, his voice a deep rumble.

The circulus and I stare at the man, speechless. There's something about his aura that just screams power.

Killian grins. "Akoni is the Princeps Viatorem. The leader of the Viatoribus."

Akoni clasps Killian's hand. "Welcome back, Ultimum Viatorem."

Killian rolls his eyes. "Don't you start with all of that, Akoni."

Akoni smirks slightly. "What brings you here, frater?"

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