Chapter 21 - Tying things up

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Irene POV

A week have past since i lashed out to Jinwoo oppa and i still have no way of contacting him, he left his phone here when he suddenly rushed out of the house

Wendy tell me the reason why and it gutted me, on top of me lashing out like that his grandma have been rushed to a hospital because of her condition

We still don't know what's her illness is but if she was rushed to a hospital it must be serious

We wanted to visit and i wanted to apologise for my actions but we don't know which hospital to go to

Day went by with me feeling sick in the stomach because of my action, everytime i sleep i always dream of the same exact moment i uttered those hateful words and waking up feeling even worse because of the guilt

My member try to help me overcome the guilt but they can only help with so much, i need to apologise to Jinwoo oppa myself, this was all my fault

It try to unlock Jinwoo oppa phone but i don't know the password, i try his birthday date, his professional gamer debut date, our debut date even if it was shameless of me, my birthday date

Why did i try all date? Because the clue that was left by the phone was "the most important date"

I got one more try before the phone locked me out so i gave up but then the phone ring from an incoming call, i look at it and it was Natalia

"Hello" i answered the call

"Hello... Oh is this Irene?" Natalia asked through the phone

"Yes Nat this is Irene" i answer

"So his phone is with you, can you give me your location so i can take it back with me" Natalia said

"Y-yeah sure but... Uhm... Nat do you have a second" i asked her

"Yes of course" Nat answered enthusiastically

"How's Jinwoo oppa?" I asked her, there was a short pause and a short comes from the other side of the line

"Can i tell it in person, it's a bit too much for me to say through the phone" Nat said, her voice sounded so unsure

"Yeah sure let me send you my location" i said ending the call

I send the location of our dorm to Natalia from my phone , what was it that she need to tell me in person instead, is oppa condition bad or something, this thoughts filled up my mind the entire day until Nat arrived on the dorm to pick up the phone

When she arrived she looked so tired for some reason "come in first Nat you look so tired" i ushered her to get in

"Thanks Irene, i might need a bit of rest it's been a hectic week for me" she said sitting down on the sofa

"we all been there Nat it's okay" i say sitting down next to her "what have you been doing for you to get this tired" i asked her

"I've been traveling from Seoul to Busan for the last few days to take care of Jinwoo" she answered

"Wait... Take care of oppa? What happened? Is he okay? He's not hurt right?" I barrage her with questions

Natalia hold my hand to calm me down "he's okay... It's just that currently he's not in his right mind" Nat said, what she said caught me off guard 'not in his right mind?'

"What do you mean by that?" I asked her

"Things... Are a bit complicated, you know that Jinwoo's grandma is in a hospital right?" She asked me which i nodded "Jinwoo is taking care of his grandma and he haven't move from her side since he arrives at the hospital" she said to me

(ONE LAST GAME) RED VELVET IRENE X MALE READEROù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant