Chapter 13 - Best Friend

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For Jinwoo not placing first during the season is common for him

Placing 2nd during the season it's okay

But placing 3rd during playoffs and missing an international event entirely, that was a new thing for Jinwoo

Dissatisfaction among many feelings, is one of the things that not just Jinwoo and his team felt but also all of his fan

Ever since his debut, through thick and thin he always make all of the international event without exception, even if he didn't win it in the end at least he make it to the international stage

But this time...

He failed

I watched the game with my member, to see him losing like that it hurts me

They went 3 - 0 on a 5 game series, on game 1 the other team focusing on Jinwoo so hard he can't make any move at all during the game, on game 2 they have a chance to take the game but let it slip because of one mistake from his teammates, on game 3 it was an even match but the other team have a better team comp than his, to sum it up it was a beat down while Jinwoo team is always fighting back but in the end they lost

I was afraid of how he'll take this loss, because people is expecting him to be able to perform, for high expectation equals high disappointment

I'm going to his apartment hoping that he's there right now, I'm afraid that he would be on a bad mental state after he lost like that


*Knock... Knock... Knock*

After waiting a bit the door open "oh, Irene what are you doing here?" Asked Natalia confused, she looked behind me to see if someone else is with me, she looks like she's about to go out

"Um... Yeah, hi Nat I'm alone but is Jinwoo here?" I asked her

"Well I'm about to pick him up from his dorm" she said "do you want to come with me?" She offered

I hesitated for a bit but i guess nothing wrong with visiting him right? I mean that's why I'm here in front of his apartment "s-sure"

We drive to his dorm, it's not that far from his apartment so it wasn't that long of a drive

We arrive at a big building it have an insignia in front of the building

To say that it was a big building is an understatement, i think it's as big as SM entertainment building

"There it is the Samsung Galaxy HQ, it ain't much but it's something" Natalia said, i look at her weird, this building is ain't much? How big it's supposed to be? It's like a massive company from the outside

"What do you mean it ain't much, this building is massive" i say to her still in awe looking at the building

She laughed a little "well... Considering this team is also a world champion team and they're sponsored by Samsung it's not surprising that they get at least this much" she said while parking the car, we get out and walk towards the lobby i wear my mask and hat to hide my identity hoping i wouldn't make a scene by being here

"But it doesn't explain why they need this big building nat" i said to her

she smiles "well let's see... You train in SM building right" she asks me and i nodded "well they pretty much live here, they eat, sleep, train, exercise everyday here, or i should say Jinwoo is the only one that exercise everyday" she said as we enter the lobby

(ONE LAST GAME) RED VELVET IRENE X MALE READERWhere stories live. Discover now