Skepticism and Surprises

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Chandler's POV

I wake up to the feeling of being alone and sure enough the bed is empty on bruh sides of me making me pout.

None of us work today and I thought we would all spend most of the day cuddling in bed. I deserve kisses and dick and the fact that I'm not getting any right now it not sitting right with me at all.

I'm thinking about if I should go and find my ken or go back to sleep when Chloe walks in looks fine fine fine. He has on a gray button down shirt with tight black slacks and a black tie and I raise my eyebrows at him. "Where's the party?" I ask him and he scoffs at me.

"If you get out of bed and your butt dressed, you would find out." He tells me and I see exactly where this is going and pull the blanket next to me over my head.

"Oh no you don't. Get out of bed and let's go. We have places to be." He tells me and I groan not wanting to do anything but be cozy in my bed.

"Why do I have to go?" I ask him as he tugs the blanket off and the stuff morning light hits me in the face again and he stands above me with his hands on his hips.

"Because everyone has to go, even the kids and we're all dressed up. You're not allowed to be left out." He tells me and he grabs the hand I'm using to block the sun and pulls my limp body into a sitting position and I sigh in defeat, knowing that I've lost this battle and there is no fighting Chloe when he gets like this.

"Well where is Chris and Cassie?" I ask him, confused on why the two of them aren't here and he gives me a deadpanned expression.

"The two of them know how to get up early and not be stupid potatoes. They're both already ready. We're waiting on you slow polk so let's get moving." He tells me and I want to hit him as he pulls me up and leads me to the bathroom. He gestured to the shower and I curse him under my breath as I undress and hop in, turning on the water and squealing when it comes out cold at first.

"Well if it was so important, the two of them should have gotten me up. It's their faults for me being late." I tell him but he doesn't bat a eye as he walks back out into the room.

"Scented soap!" He calls back and I roll my eyes as I grab my Peaches and Honey soap, being sure to lather it on my hands along with the water before spreading it along my body, washing my skin thoroughly. I make sure to get every part of my body and once I'm all clean and my scent is stronger than before, I turn off the water and reach for my towel, bringing it behind the curtain, drying myself off before tucking the towel around my waist.

Once it's secure, I open the shower curtain and I'm met with Chloe bringing in a button down shirt and some slacks of my own. My shirt is white versus gray but the flower he places on the counter is a beautiful gray rose.

I yawn as I step out and I'm handed a pair of briefs that I slip on under my towel before dropping it to the floor. "Why are we getting dressed up?" I ask him as he hands me some pants that I put on, bending over to pull the slacks up my legs before buttoning them.

"Your ass looks so fuckable in those pants. And because we have an event to go to where we have to dress nice." He tells me but I'm too focused on checking out my ass in the mirror that does indeed look fuckable.

He gives me the shirt next and I button it up my chest, the fabric soft and smooth and it shows off the curves that I have and plays off my plate lían scattered with freckles.

I don't know where we're going or what we're going to do that but one thing I do know is I'm going to look good as hell while doing it. "Now sit down." Chloe instructs me and I sigh as I follow directions, going to sit down in the toilet as he gets some gel and water, spraying my hair with the liquid before getting gel in his hands and rubbing them together to come and rub it into my hair.

I sit there patiently as I wait for my friend to finish and when he finally does he stands back and looks at me proudly before whistling low. "How damn you look good, babes." He tells me and I smile as I stand up and look at myself in the mirror.

"I do don't do?" I ask looking my myself and it makes me smile to see me looking as hot as I do now, knowing that whatever function we're going to, Cassie and Chris won't want to stay long. Chloe winks at me before giving me some dress shoes to slip on and I do easily before standing up from my seat on the and smoothing out my outfit.

Once Chloe is satisfied with the way I look, he leads me out of the bathroom, grabbing the gray rose from the counter before talking me to stand in front it the blank wall by the door, placing the flowing in my chest pocket.

"What the hell are you doing?" I ask Chloe and he shushes me before moving back and pulling out his phone.

"I'm documenting the moment. You look too good to kiss this picture." He tells me and I roll my eyes as I stand still for a few pictures before he brings me a set of cuff links for my button down.

"This is a lot of work for a damn function. I should have stayed in bed." I tell him and he pays my cheeks lovingly before giving me my answer.

"Not an option." I groan to myself as I finally get the chance to leave the room, Chloe leading me out of the door and to the stairs. I walk down them and find Ares leaning against the wall at the base of them. When he hears me coming he looks up and whistles but damn does he looks good. His shirt and pants along with his shoes is all black and the ink on his hands and neck make me want to snatch him up and steal him for myself.

I wouldn't do that though.

Stealing isn't nice.

Unless it's Cassie's ice cream.

"You're hot." I tell Ares when I get down to the floor level and he pushes off of the wall with a chuckle and a shake of his head.

"You're not too bad yourself." He tells me and now I'm completely satisfied in life. He grabs my hand and tucks it into his arm and I turn around to see that Chloe disappeared. He's leading me in the wrong direction of the front door and it makes me frown.

"Wait where are we going?" I ask him and he looks down at me with a soft smile.

"To your wedding, Chan. Congratulations." He tells me and suddenly my sleep lagged brain clears and everything becomes so obvious and tears spring to my eyes as I realize what's going on. But before I can say a word, the back door is opened and I'm met with the most beautiful sight of my life.

Guys there's only three chapters left and then an extra smut chapter that I know you guys were waiting for. This is so crazy. I can't believe it's over.



QOTD: How's school going?

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