Surprise and Nervous

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Cassie's POV

I was just thinking about going to get myself lunch when suddenly I get a call. I hesitate, thinking about giving it up and saying I already left, but I sigh as I pick up the phone instead of being a bitch.

"Hello?" I answer and I hear the receptionist, Jennifer from the front desk.

"Oh good. I have some clients for you. They already did the baths and everything and a short message is the last thing on their list. They want to be out of here by two so you should be fine." She tells me and I groan into the phone, not caring if the clients hear me.

I look at the clock and see it's twelve thirty, and against my better judgment, I agree to take them. "Fine, I'll do it." I tell Jen and she relays the news to the people on the other end of the phone.

"Thanks, hun. They'll be there shortly." She promises me before she hangs up.

Cursing myself for forever needing to be the nice guy, I begin spraying down my beds and all my surfaces, knowing most people prefer being naked, and begin to take out some of my stuff that I like to used while I'm working.

This time I choose a candle over incense, not wanting to deal with having to find a lighter or some matches, though if I wasn't so lazy I could produce the flame on my own.

But alas, lazy I am.

I'm just finishing up grabbing my favorite oils when the door opens and without turning around I direct them. "Welcome. Go ahead and get yourself undressed and comfortable while I finish setting up." I tell them.

I hear them  immediately begin to move, though one with more enthusiasm than the other before I turn around and get the shock of my life.

Standing before me in his half naked glory is none other than Chan. The Chan that I was trying to figure out how I was going to track down and find, ends up in my room. The fucking irony.

I try to keep my cool as I continue to move about the room, my lips trying to twitch up in excitement, even if this is no place to bring up Chris and what happened. The fact that he's here now means I can always find him later. I just have to make sure I grab something of his before he goes.

Both men leave their briefs on but it doesn't phase me as I gesture to the beds that are lying right next to each other. "Go head and lay down and get your body comfortable before we begin." I turn around to light my candle when I realize my dumbass needs a lighter anyway, my slowness stopping me from making smart decisions and thinking about things all the way through.

I roll my eyes at myself and imitate my fingers flicking on a lighter just for a small flame to appear on my thumb. Once it's bright enough, I lower it to the wick inside the glass jar and light up the soothing candle.

      I turn around with nerves in my throat before I decide to do Chan's friend first. Though I was the one that was going to find him and help him be reunited with Chris, it was going to be on my terms after I figured out how exactly to bring them together without it turning on me. Now I'm stuck with nothing to say and no clue what to do.

Fucking hell.

I walk over the Chan's friend who is clearly an Incubus and smells of Cinnamon and Roses, sweet and spicy. But it can't quite drown out the smell of Peaches and Honey are calling me in a way I don't expect.

From his stern face, I would expect a deeper smell, something more grounded and earthy, but the scent of him makes me curious to what he's really hiding. Who he really is.

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