Calls and Pictures

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Cassie's POV

After my last client has left for the day, I clean up my room and make sure everything is wiped down before I lock the door and I make my way down the hallway. I wave to the receptionist who I have a love hate relationship with and walk out of the door.

Today is the second day without Chan and I hate it. I've gotten used to our addition to our relationship and while I adore Chris, he is certainly not my Chan that likes to be overdramatic with me. Going to sleep last night was the hardest thing ever. Suddenly the bed felt way too big for two people. It's different from when he's at work because we always leave a space for him but this time there was no waking up to find him crawling under the covers to snuggle into us.

And I don't like it one bit.

And that's just the emotional part.

I'm horny.

Before Chan left we were all too busy to have sex and now he's gone and it doesn't feel the same without him small body underneath mine while Chris tells us what to do.

I miss getting my hair pulled by two people.

I may be a whore for my men but at least....

I don't have a way to finish that sentence and honestly, I think it works just find without one.

I hurry to my car, excited to see at least one of my boyfriends and the drive over to the house is a short one, the stoplights all in my favor for once.

Once I get home, I get out of the car and make my way up the sidewalk and to the door, unlocking it before I push it open. As soon as I step through the door, my body is grabbed and I'm slammed into a broad chest as a cold nose is nuzzled into my neck and deep inhales are pulled from me.

"Baby, I'm going crazy." Chris tells me and I sigh as I put my arms around him and hold him.

Though we had talked about the abandonment issues and pain that Chris harbors due to what happens with him and Chan years ago, that doesn't make the trauma of it all go away.

As hard as it is for me to be away from Chan, it's killing Chris and I can see him. It's like he's going back into that place that Chan and I worked hard to pull him out of.

I hold him close to me before I get an idea that has a mildly selfish motive but it's okay because it helps everyone.

I pull away from Chris and pull on his hand as a sneaking grin crosses my face. While we all love to talk and share, the one love language that we all have is touch. And maybe if we can communicate that way, we will all miss each other just a little bit less, enough to wait for Chan to get home in twenty four hours.

I walk us to our room and turn to look at Chris with a raised brow. "Strip." I tell him and his eyebrows fly up as he momentarily forgets about his sadness.

"Who flipped the script?" He asks me and I can feel him switch to top mood and while it make me drool and want to throw my hair up and drop to my knees, I hold strong.

"I want to send something sexy to Chan. Maybe we can play a little?" I ask him, pulling myself closer to his body and tilting my head at him. The suggestion makes his blue eyes darken my favorite shade of blue and his lips slide to hold a smirk.

"What do you want left on my body?" He asks me and I laugh as I shrug my shoulders, biting my lip.

"Oh, to your boxers is fine." I tell him going to sit on the bed and grab my phone, pulling up the camera app. "Make it sexy." I tell him and while he rolls his eyes at me, I watch as loving soft Chris melts into hard dominant Chris and it makes me want to roll over and offer my ass to him on a platter.

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