Seraph: Understood... just head east right?

Boris: Yea, Rhodes Island has docked near the city of Great Lungmen, you'll see it once you reach far enough.

Professor: You should get going know Mr. Seraph, it will get dark quickly if you don't hurry, the trip to Rhodes Island will take two days, you only have just enough of supplies to make the trip in that duration..

Seraph: Got it, I'll be heading out then, wish me luck.

Seraph said as he starts walking away from Boris and the Professor. Moments later, the two of them no longer see him as he disappears into the distance. However, Boris suddenly realizes something as he starts to panic.

Boris: AH CRAP!

Professor: What? What is it?

Boris: We forget to mention him about the Reunion Movement! Reunion has taken territory of Chernobog ever since the Catastrophe happen there!

Professor: ....

Boris: The Nation of Chernobog is close to the Great Lungmen and Rhodes Island, if Seraph goes there-

Professor: Don't worry.

Boris then was cut off from the Professor's sentence as he turn his attention towards the Professor. The Professor then look towards the distance where Seraph disappeared into.

Professor: After witnessing Seraph's potential with Originium Arts, I highly doubt Reunion will come close to hurting him.

Boris: ...


Currently, Seraph is walking through a dirt pathway. He looks at his compass as he follows the east direction. He then looks around his surroundings as he examines the landscape. He is surrounded by short grasslands as he saw tall trees in the far distance. He also witnesses giant crystallized Originium just laying in there in the distance.

Seraph Thoughts: I still need to figure out what the hell I just did because I'm sure that wasn't any Originium Arts I have seen before.

Seraph thought as he pulls up his sleeve to expect Originium crystals only to find himself clean, surprising him.

Seraph: Strange...

Suddenly, Seraph felt the ground shake and mumble around him. The ground then starts to burst as Originium Slugs came into his view.

Seraph: Okay that doesn't look friendly. 

The Originium Slugs then start to make its way towards Seraph. Seraph got into a stance as he grips and held up his sword. He felt some unknown energy manifest into it as he grips it tightly. One of the Slugs got into range close enough for Seraph to slice it, once he did a downward slice attack. An explosion accrued that it sent out a massive powerful vortex around him, the vortex alone was strong enough to kill the remaining Slugs as they disintegrate into energy before being absorbed into Seraph.

Strangely enough, Seraph felt refresh after killing the Slugs as if he took their life force. 

Seraph Thoughts: I felt refresh for some reason... Did I took their life force? No, can't be...

Seraph questions as he takes a look around his surroundings one last time before continuing down his path.


Grani: Skadi! Hey wait up! Don't leave me behind!

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Grani: Skadi! Hey wait up! Don't leave me behind!

Grani: Skadi! Hey wait up! Don't leave me behind!

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Skadi: If you don't keep up I will...

Grani: Jeez, were supposed to be doing this mission together but here you are acting like your the only one doing this...

Skadi: I prefer to do this mission alone, but Kal'tsit persisted me on taking you along...

Grani and Skadi were right now on there way towards a small isolated city. They were hired to escort an individual that had unorthodox of Originium, these two are Rhodes Island operators.

Grani: Well, I'm glad she choose me to come with you because you're reckless sometimes. For example, you just attack people out of the blue while they were just passing by.

Skadi: [sigh] lets just get this person so we can hurry back...

End Of Chapter

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