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the young man leaned back on his chair, "so, park y/n..." you nodded your head curtly, your eyes debating on his face and the file in his hand "you did showed off your talent there but I'm not sure about here..." you heard your world crash down, this isn't a game but your life.

a sudden burst of laughter echoed startling you, "did I scared you? Yes right?" the well-dressed young man said through his laughs "wha-" confused, you frowned "I was just kidding you, I'm not like other CEO's, your cabin number is 07" the man handed you your file back with a big smile

"thank you, mr.wong.." you bowed, weirded out by his behaviour but shrugged it off making your way to your new cabin, you glanced through the glassdoors of other cabins, some where working, determined by the compliments they would get if they worked their asses off whilst some were filled with laughter and chit-chats.

stopping infront of the 07 cabin, you saw an familiar head, knocking twice before heading in, another surprise caught you off guard "oh, mr.yang, you're here as we?" he looked up surprised as equal as you, a smile decorating his face as his dimples popped out his flawless cheeks and his bright eyes disappearing as he did so, returning an awkward smile you entered in.

"it's great to you see you again, ms. park!" something about him seemed genuine and you got absolutely impressed by him but you can't just jump into conclusions. "yeah..." you laughed awkwardly again and you got pretty annoyed by yourself "is this your cabinet?" uou started to walk towards the empty table which you guessed were yours.

"yep, and you too?" you looked up at him, your slender fingers brushing against the cold table "yeah, I'm just glad it's you, since we've already met" he smiled, "yeah.." you placed your bag on the table and sat down on the comfy chair, a satisfaction filled your leg and hips once you sat down. It was heavenly satisfying.

"so... you're such an hard-working young women, huh?" he shook his head smiling, you kind of cringed at how higher he thought of you when in reality you're just another lazy-assed bitch. "it's nothing like that though, I gues it's just... luck?" it ended up sounding like an question, Jungwon just nodded his head taking the hint you're not a talkative person.

thinking about your experience at working in the busan branch, you missed it, it's not like you're an active member but you missed some of your colleagues though they were just douchebags who used you for free coffee, party and doing their work. and mostly, you missed your mom... as a single mother, she sacrificed many things for you and your studies, you thought about shifting to Seoul with her then her farming business would be waste, just like your life.

neighbor   k. sunooWhere stories live. Discover now