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"thank you ma'am, please visit us again" the cashier smiled, a cute one to be honest, passing an anxious smile back you turned around on your heals rushing before it gets any late.

you need to unbox all the boxes and stuffs as sooner as you reach back to your apartment - but you thought it's better to get the groceries first and you did, on the way out of the store, you bumped into a women in her mid-forties who later acted like she did a big crime "..sorry" she pushed you aside making you look at her weirdly.

as you were staring at the back of the women ; you forgot that you were standing in the middle "Ah, sorry excuse me" you bowed before rushing - you just embarrassed yourself big time - it happens often though "What's up with this women I swear to-" you grumbled dusting your clothes off - the sky darkened and you checked the time again to see it's already
7:52 pm.

you recalled what Changbin said as his voice echoed through your mind and in a instant your paranoid self came out starting to make some weird scenarios.

"why did I even transferred here?" You said now running Android ofcourse you tripped falling flat on your face "shit!" You said disgusted as the wet mud has splattered across your t-shirt and face.

a huge shadow towered you as you turned to look up at the person "uhm, you okay?" A voice called - you gulped, a moment of realization hit you, jumping on your feet screaming and collected your grocery bags and ran away as the guy stared at you surprised "What the..." He whispered.

you literally tripped few times whilst running and as soon as you reached the apartment you searched for your key "key, key, key, key....where the fuck is the key?!" You panicked shivering "y/n, what happened?" You turned around to face your landlord but he screamed once he saw you - making you confused.

"changbin, it's me! Y/n.." He stared at you up and down holding onto his apartment door breathing heavily before huffing in relief, "you scared the life out of me but..what's up with your face? It's not halloween-" you marched towards him "Give me the spare key. Now."

you extended your palm asking him to give your apartment's spare key "i- sure" he ran in his apartment and a few seconds later walked out with a bunch of keys.

I repeat - with a BUNCH of keys.

you gulped shocked at how many keys he was holding in his hands "Oh god!" You groaned plucking the keys from his hands and turned around to your door "not this.." you tried another key and another and another but tue right key didn't show up "not this either-" the key twisted making you turn around grinning.

changbin grinned back at you proudly "I'll take this" You removed the key from the key ring "Thank you so much landlord" you bowed nighty degree angle "I'll keep the spare key with me" he just looked at you with a hesitant smile - nodding,

"sure, but what happened to yo-" you slammed the door shut before he could even finish his sentence "Ahh! What a weird day" your plopped down on the bean bag because you'll definitely break your bag if you do the same thing in the sofa.

your phone pinged - with so much effort you pulled it out of your pocket and checked the homescreen to see you got a message from your company, jumping on your feet back you wiped your eyes to see properly -

Welcome to WL entertainment Ms. Park Y/N,

We are really glad to work with you and in the near future, hope we achieve our dreams and success together.

Click this link to create your new account in accordance to receive your identity card.

We are looking forward to work with you !

you stood up to wash your face and you yourself scared the shit out of you by looking in the mirror "Shit! I scared myself" you frowned at your face but as you were looking for the towel you heard a conversation behind the door, you decided to mind your own business BUT-

you stuck your ear on the door "I don't know hyung, there was a weird girl and she left this there, I was about to help her but she ran away.." it was muffled "ohh? I think it's Y/n's apartment key, that girl is so weird and dumb" you heard Changbin say and rolled your eyes.

"y/n? Who's that?" by the voice, you could tell it's a guy ofcourse "She moved in today and she lost her key already" you could feel the dissapointment in your landlord's voice.

neighbor   k. sunooWhere stories live. Discover now