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you laid dead in you bed trying to find your sleep but you couldn't, why? Because your neighborhood was so loud that the club could be beaten down, you could hear the thuds from upstairs and someone playing 'mary had a little lamb' with a flute from your right side.

why do people are still up this late?

slowly you closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep but you opened your eyes wide when you heard another loud thud. But surprisingly, it was from upstairs now, you stood up with your pillow and blanket and decided to sleep on the couch in the living room.

you tripped over few times due to the lack of sleep, some of your things weren't arranged in a place yet, so there were boxes here and there. You fell on the couch and laid there, but right now you couldn't find any sleep now. You could still hear the thuds and footsteps from here but not that loud like before.

you screamed into your pillow frustrated, you never like it whenever people disturb you when you're trying to sleep, I mean who likes that?  you decided to drink something so you can refresh yourself and sleep without any sounds.

the thought of what might be upstairs got the curiosity reach the best of you but you wouldn't dare to go upstairs after how people are warning you about it. You slipped into your slides and took your phone with you but you assured that you put your phone on mute, when you closed the door - the whole corridor was dark.

it was even calm out here than inside and you wondered if you could sleep here for real, your heart was pounding in your chest, a loud thump from an door freaked you out when you passed by it.

you saw the staircase, the first few steps were only visible to your eyes but still you opened your eyes wide as if it's going to help. But it seemed like all your confidence drained out as your feet dragged you up and up, but something told you to continue and you did.

but as you were going up, it was even quieter, holding your phone against your chest so your pounding heart wouldn't jump off. But a strong force pushed you against the wall locking you under them, "What are you doing here?" The voice was powerful though it's just a whisper - said in your right ear.

since you were facing the wall and the person locked your hand behind your back you couldn't see their face nor recognise their voice, you gasped as they freed you and carassed your wrists and turned around, the guy - by guessing his strong grip and outline of the figure - laughed silently but when he stopped you know shit is about to happen.

he tilted his head to the right as the moon light shone in reflecting his honey pale skin - he was a visual god - that annoying smirk on his lips told you how much of a jerk he could be or he might be - who knows?

"y/n?" A loud familiar voice called out your name to which you jerked up but he was calm as everyone. Changbin stood there with a torch clearly dissappointed.

"you shouldn't be here" he pulled your hand and dragged you down so fast before you could even object, it was surprising to you as to how Changbin can see shit even in night and the next thing - you both were infront of your apartment.

"breaking the rule on your first day" he sighed pulling up the 'contract' paper as you were sweating - imagine if he said you're sleeping in the streets - not like he woul "please, when it's said that you shouldn't be going up there, you should not" he sounded so dissapointed than angry.

"now go sleep well, it's already 1 in the morning" you nodded hesitantly before mumbling a "I'm sorry" he just shook his head "It's just useless knowing that you would definitely go up there again" uhm...he's way too honest "I swear I won't!" You whisper shouted to which he just laughed.

"one wrong move, you'll regret it" you gulped, nervously nodding your eyes were wide open and with that you entered back in your apartment.

"one wrong move and you'll regret it"

neighbor   k. sunooWhere stories live. Discover now