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you sighed as you walked through the subway of the railway station of Seoul without your three huge bags, moving into Seoul is so tiring. You booked an small apartment some blocks away from your new work place especially since your friend himself recommended them.

you got transferred here and you were really happy but all these moving and working late nights was really exhausting. Since you didn't have a lot of money, you seeked help from your only friend - who's also happened to transfer here last year - he said his friend's one of apartment is actually free and gave you the address and the landlord

"Should I take a taxi or not?" You debated and looked at your phone which had your new house's address. You are the definition of lazyness and unluck, but then again, are we surprised? Moving into an unknown town is starting to make it even worse.

The text messages from Mr. Seo was making you even more nervous, yeah, you were  kind of scared to be honest, you don't want to have a bad impression by being late.  Introvert like you can't do all these alone but get some help. the way he was behaving, he seemed like a pretty busy man.

You didn't want to ruin your already damaged image and first impression so you decided to take an taxi at all costs. As in first time - luck on your side - you saw an taxi and gave the small paper with the address of your new apartment.

As the short journey started, it had to stop after a few minutes, your brows knitting together in confusion you leaned on the window to see what's happening outside and what's all this fuzz about. "What's happened?" You asked.

The driver just sighed "I think another accident, it happens so often in Seoul" he shook his head, gaving off the 'dissapointed but not surprised' energy. You just nodded your head kind of scared and surprised. But again, realisation struck like an thunder, you're even late.

"God is testing me so bad" you mumbled trying to take your phone out of your pant pocket - but cleary the driver heard it and let out an chuckle - "Atleast you're favoured enough to tested by him" you didn't understand what he was saying but let it slide for now.

After 30 minutes or so, the traffic cleared and the driver dropped you in a creepy building - not kidding - it's an old creepy building, you double checked the adress with wide eyes and for a second you debated whether to turn and run back to Busan or not ; just the sight of it made you feel all gloomy. If you were a home.

But anyways, you stepped in and there stood a young man looking at his watch and tapping his feet impatiently. You gulped and took deep breath before going to him. Not gonna lie, he was handsome - The magic of Seoul, eh?

He looked up at you sensing your presence, you nervously smiled and bowed at him "I'm park Y/N" You hesitantly said, "Ah, you're Park Y/N?he waved his hand laughing slightly but it fell soon making you smile nervously - you had to look down by how intimidating he actually is.

"Why are you late?" And that question is what you expected and you told him what happened but thank god he was really understanding yet a bit surprised by your unlucky presence and he definitely didn't hide the chance of throwing it right on your face "Seems like you're the definition of unluck, uhm... chile anyways.."

You had to smile through the pain.
"I'm Seo Changbin, you talked to me? Remember?" You nodded your head "Ah yeah, I do" he smiled proudly - for who knows for what - "But I guess you're younger than me, so call me Changbin oppa" at even stuff situations like this - you didn't drop that fake smile of yours.

"My father owns this beautiful and welcoming warm place - just for your information - and there are some rules and regulations that you had to follow, especially since many people live here" he laughed casually.

"And here are the simple rules for safety and health, one, this area, dangerous. if you're out shopping or working, be sure to reach home asap. and two, Seoul sounds so costly and ofcourse it is, pay the house and electricity bill on due date"

you just stood there dead while he was explaining every rule - your attention span of a goldfish could never - he rose his fingers as he mentioned all the rules.

and lastly, eight,  don't get into unnecessary fights or problems with your neighbours, as I can say, they are like our another family so be kind to eachother"

You nodded your head, "Ah ofcourse sir, they are" he nodded his head smiling proudly "good, you got all the rules right?" You nodded absent mindedly.

"And one more thing.." he checked his pocket and took an paper "The contract papers, read and sign theme please" you looked at the crumpled paper he called contract papers kind of shocked. But anyways nodded "..sure sir"

With the support of the wall - you lend the pen from him and signed it after a glance at every line. "Thank you so much and take care of me, landlord" you bowed, he grinned widely "No need of the formalities y/n"

"Anything, call me I'll be just living in the opposite apartment of yours" You stared where he pointed and nodded " And one last thing Y/N, avoid going upstairs" the way his playful and cheerful tone fell when he said the last sentence made you nervous.

You don't have a nervous system, you're a nervous system. "..why?" He shook his head "Just do what I say, welcome home!" He gave an slight smile before entering in his door. "what's that supposed to mean?"

neighbor   k. sunooWhere stories live. Discover now