"You can borrow my money Yachi chan," Y/N said, "you can buy whatever you want."

"Thanks Y/N san, but I'll remember the exact price to repay you," Yachi said as she headed over to the sink to wash the dishes.

"Oh no don't worry, I don't really care just don't pay me back," Y/n said starting on the dishes.

"Are you sure Y/n san." Yachi asked.

"Yeah of course, I always keep my word." Y/n replied.

The managers cleaned up the place once again and headed out for a break. Since it was break time at the moment, practice starts after a while. The managers wouldn't watch them play, but they would pick up some balls and help out with the water. The girls sat in the shade and talked about what they wanted to do tonight. After the break, they stayed for practice for a bit before starting on dinner. The cooked and served for 2 hours before sitting down again.

"Kay guys, let's eat and shower," Kiyoko said as she sat down, "and then we get to relax and have fun in the room."

"Yes, that is agreeable." Kaori added, "And Eri chan and Yachi chan are going out to buy stuff still."

"Yeah we are right Yachi chan." Eri asked.

"Yeah of course we're going." Yachi replied, "but is it okay if we get drinks, since we still have a lot of leftover snacks from yesterday."

"Honestly anything is fine," Yukie said as she ate her food.

"That's good, but we need an order from you guys." Eri said.

"Well I'll get a coffee boba and what about you guys." Kaori replied.

"It's a honey dew slushie for me." Yukie said.

"I'd like a F/D thanks," Y/n exclaimed.

Kiyoko then said, "I just want an iced green tea."

"And could I get a jasmine sea cream tea, thanks." Mako said.

"Okay we got the orders down." Eri said, finishing up the notes on her phone.

"I'll go ahead and shower now, I'll meet up with you guys later." Y/n said as she stood up from her seat, "bye everyone, see you later."

"Bye Y/N chan," Everyone else said.

Y/N walked to the manager's room to get her clothes to shower. She chose out a pair of blue high waisted shorts with a sports bra and an oversized "Given" hoodie. Y/N headed over to the bathrooms to wash up and think about her day.

"I can't believe we hugged today." Y/N thought as her face went to a pink tint, "does Kuroo san really like me or not. You know what, I should just calm down and see what happens, maybe he does and maybe he doesn't. Ugh why is love so hard."

Y/N then finished up and started to dry herself and looked at herself in the mirror. "Wow I actually look okay, that's a relief." Y/n thought as she shrugged it off. She put on her clothes and borrowed Kiyoko's hair dryer to dry her hair. She then put it away and went to the laundry room to wash her messy clothes. Y/N walked out near the gym on her way to the kitchen, but when she passed the gym Kuroo looked out the door.

"Hey Chibi Chan." Kuroo said, catching up to Y/N.

"Oh hey Kuroo san, do you need anything?" Y/N asked looking up at him.

"Um well yes um maybe no," Kuroo stuttered, "um are you going somewhere later."

"Oh um no why, I just have to clean up with the managers." Y/N answered.

"Okay then let's go somewhere then." Kuroo said blushing, as he held her hand gently.

"Ack," Y/N exclaimed as she almost tripped, "wait up Kuroo san, where are we going."

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