"Fucking hell!" you breathed out, thoroughly embarrassed. You looked at Kylo, and you couldn't believe what you saw.

He was laughing. Genuinely laughing with a gorgeous smile on his face. He looked so beautiful when he smiled, you saw it so rarely. Your reddened face started to subside as a smile of your own formed on your face, laughing with him.

"I feel 16 years old," Kylo said through a chuckle.

"Oh, god, I know," you threw the cum shirt on the floor. "I'm so sorry."

His laughing was lulling, and he grabbed your hand, intertwining his fingers with your own. "It's okay. Don't be sorry."

You smiled at him, squeezing his hand in yours. He started to laugh again, "Do you think she saw my dick?"

You shrugged, "she's been asking about it for months, so honestly, I bet she snuck a peek."

"I see where you get it from," Kylo rolled on top of you, kissing you all over your face as the two of you simply were happy together. Smiles and laughs abundant.

You and Kylo had gotten dressed after an impromptu make out session. Something you had never done with him before. Typically if kissing was involved, it solely meant you were banging. But not now.

You had refreshed yourself for your upcoming "date" and put on a red bohemian maxi dress. It was nowhere near as shocking as the last thing Matt had seen you in, but you were trying to deter him anyway. You hated confrontation, and you hated letting people down, so this night was going to suck. But Kylo brought out something in you that you had yet to find anywhere else, so you were willing to hear him out.

Kylo hadn't brought in his backpack from your car, so he opted to wear one of your oversized band tshirts since his shirt was soiled in sin. The chest area still managed to be tight across his shoulders and chest though it was well over an extra large.

Kylo looked down at the tshirt scowling. "Green Day sucks. This is the only one you have?" he looked up to you.

"You obviously have shitty tastes. Yes, that' all I got," you walked to your closed door and you were about to leave the room before you turned back to Kylo. "Are you ready to meet my mom? She's kind of a lot."

Kylo walked up behind you, hand at the small of your back. "Yeah, come on."

You walked into the living room first. Your mom was sitting on the couch, watching some British mystery tv show, but she paused it when you walked in.

"I'm so sorry," she continued pleading. You held up a hand and shook your head.

"Stop all that. It's okay," you were suddenly nervous. You had brought a boy home to meet your mom. Well, you hadn't brought him home by choice, but it was still wild. Kylo walked into the room, imposing as ever. Your mom stood up, wide eyed and obviously nervous. She walked over to him, her hand out.

"Oh my god," she said in awe, looking up at his face and then yours, "he's so good looking!" She looked back to him, shaking his hand. "You're so good looking."

Kylo was probably uncomfortable, but he didn't show it. He smiled and held her hand as he spoke, "thank you so much."

"Like, I knew you were good looking, I watched that show you did, but like you're even better looking in person," she was gawking at this point.

"Okay, mom, we understand," you waved your hands at her. He was flashing that brilliant smile at her.

"I appreciate that a lot, thank you," he dropped his hand and looked to you. "Did you ask her if I can stay here?"

Hurt So Good (Kylo Ren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now