She Can't Know That

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You had surprisingly opened your eyes to the sight of Kylo lying next to you. You had shifted in your sleep to be facing him. He was still slumbering, his face looking the softest it ever had. You had always wondered if this man ever got rest, and it was so good to see him so peaceful, especially after everything he told you the night before. His eyelids were fluttering as he got the rest he so much deserved. You knew that at any moment he would awaken, kick you out of the room, and continue to be the cold man you knew so well. You ran your fingers along his exposed shoulder causing him to stir. He sighed, and his eyes slowly opened.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you," you said quietly, taking your hand back.

He looked at you with a half smile, "It's okay. I needed to get up anyway."

"You need rest more than anything," you retorted.

"I'm fine," he propped himself up on his shoulder, "How did you sleep?"

You groaned, "so fucking good. This bed is unbelievably comfortable."

He chuckled, "I'm glad you like it. You are welcome to it any time," his hand reached out and stroked your hair, moving it behind your shoulders. He was still being kind a caring. What was going on?

"Well, not any time," you argued.

"When she's not here," his hand slid around your throat. He wasn't squeezing, he just had his hand there. Then he took it back.

You looked at him for a long moment, staring at him. "Kylo, have you ever been happy?"

He looked back with blank eyes, uninterested in the conversation, "Happiness doesn't matter. Success is what one should strive for."

You propped yourself up on your elbow to face him on the same level, "that's what someone who has never been happy would say." You pondered for a moment. "Have you ever loved someone?"

The familiar scowl that indicated his annoyance appeared on his face, "Again, that is irrelevant. That means nothing to me."

You sighed and looked down at your hands.

Kylo breathed out before pulling you by the waist to meet his body. You looked up at him, the morning sun highlighting the golden embers in his brown eyes.

"Will you take a bath with me?" he whispered before laying a soft, plush kiss on your lips.

You couldn't help but grin and nod eagerly like a little kid.

You both got out of the bed and walked into the en suite bathroom. The walls and floor were black and white marble, and the sinks were black on the outside and blood red on the interior. There was a huge black jet tub situated in the corner of the sumptuous room. The two of you were both already undressed. Kylo turned on the faucet and water rapidly poured into the jet black tub.

Kylo got in first, situating himself so you could sit between his legs. The tub was so big you could easily sit next to him, but he wanted you against him. You got into the tub and sat between his legs, your back pressed to his chest. The hot water soothed your ever sore body. You couldn't remember the last time that your body hadn't been sore from being fucked. Soon enough you would have to acclimate to that, right?

The water whirled around the two of you, your head relaxed against his chest. His fingers were stroking your hair, and your eyes were closed. You enjoyed the silence, the only sound audible was the jets of the tub and Kylo's steady breathing. Kylo's fingers fell to your lips, tracing them with the pads of his index fingers, pressing the flesh.

"I love your lips," he said lowly.

You smiled. "Why? Because they suck your dick so good?" you joked, mocking his irregularly deep voice.

Hurt So Good (Kylo Ren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now