Do I Seem To Care?

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Your eyes fluttered open at the emerging sunlight. You rubbed your eyes to clear your vision and yawned widely. When your eyes adjusted to the room, you saw the intricate pieces of art on the wall and remembered where you were.

You had slept in Kylo Ren's bed. Well, his private penthouse bed, but his bed, nonetheless. He had laid a blanket on you before getting in the bed and pulled you closer to him. To cuddle. Unbelievable. You turned your head to the left seeing an empty side of the expansive bed. You saw a modern chic clock in the corner that told you it was 11 AM. You had slept hella late, and he must have gone to the office. It was a weekday after all. And then you remembered. Your eyes opened wide, and you gasped.

Ashton. He was all alone at the house, and you were here, sleeping late in your boss's bed.

You shot up and looked around the room frantically. Your eyes settled on a small white note with your name written beautifully across it. You picked it up and turned it over in a frenzy.

"Called in sick for you, the child is taken care of for the day. Take your time. Clothes in the closet."

You sighed a big breath of relief. Your breathing began to steady as you got confirmation Ashton was okay. You were close to an aneurysm.

You fell back on the bed, and you thought about the night before. You thought about how nice it had been. The vulnerability and kindness was unexpected, and honestly, quite strange, but you took it all in. Plus, the sex had been pretty awesome. You had never done it in a pool before. Especially not a multi million dollar pool.

You looked around the expensive and chic room realizing he said you could take your time and do what you want. You stepped off the high bed and sauntered into the bathroom. You were already naked from the night's previous events.

You opted to use the lux shower. Huge with three rainfall shower heads, a built in speaker, and a steamer, you were in absolute heaven. When you stepped out from the shower, you noticed a black, mega soft robe to your right, so you threw it on. It smelled like Kylo. You walked to his vanity, a noticeable lack of feminine products, so you knew Diane didn't frequent this place. You dried your hair and put on a spritz of his cologne. You adored the smell.

The closet was inside the bathroom, so you walked in and were astonished to see it was the size of a boutique store. The closet was stocked with expensive suits from designers that you could never imagine to wear. There was a wall of shoes from equally expensive and luxurious designers. In the middle of the room was a large dresser that housed ties, socks, underwear, all costing way over what ties, socks, and underwear should cost. But draped over the top was a pair of black leggings, a black t-shirt, and your cleaned black underwear from the night before. You wondered where this came from, but you needed clothes, anyway, so you slipped it all on.

Your feet pattered against the floor as you walked down the hall. You walked into the kitchen, and you saw a woman unloading groceries into the fridge. She was a middle aged woman with dark brown hair and olive skin. You gasped at the sight of her. You should have tried to hide, but you gasped, and you gasped loud.

Her head turned toward you. The two of made eye contact, and the room was completely silent.

You were frozen. You absolutely couldn't move. Your eyes were wide, and every single muscle in your body was tensed. The woman standing at the stainless steel refrigerator was as speechless as you.

"Uhh," fell from your mouth completely dumbfounded as to what to do or say. You couldn't play 'I'm the nanny,' because there wasn't a baby in sight, and why would the nanny have any other reason to be emerging from her boss's room at one o'clock in the afternoon. Barefoot, at that.

Hurt So Good (Kylo Ren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now