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There was a knock at the door. Then the sound of the alarm rang through Koyuki’s ears.

“Come on Koyuki, it's time to wake up, you're going to be late for school!” Mitsuki shouted from behind his bedroom door.

Koyuki turned off his alarm, it read 7:45 am. He has 35 minutes to get ready for school.

“I’m up!” 

Koyuki grabbed his school uniform and walked to the bathroom, which still had steam on the mirror from when his brother took his shower. Katsuki was always up slightly before Koyuki, it was like twin telepathy.

After Koyuki’s shower, he got dressed and headed towards the dining room for breakfast. Katsuki was already inhaling the pancakes on his plate. 

“Morning bro,” Katsuki said with his mouth full.


Mitsuki handed Koyuki a plate of pancakes and he thanked her.

One thing you could tell between the two brothers was that Koyuki was more polite, he still had an attitude, but he usually apologized afterward if he went too far.

“So are you excited for your technically first day of school?” Masaru asked Koyuki, while Mitsuki argued with Katsuki. Typical.

Koyuki got more of dad’s genes, while bakugou got more of Mitsuki. Koyuki was more laid back, while Katsuki was more intense.

“Yes, and I can finally meet all of Katsuki’s friends!” Koyuki yelled in excitement.

“Just to warn you ahead of time, don’t catch their stupidity,” Katsuki replied.

“Yea yea, let me meet them first before giving me false impressions.”

“They're not false, ”

Koyuki grunted in response.

“Stop with the arguing and hurry on to school, put your plates in the sink.”

Koyuki didn’t listen and grabbed his backpack, putting his shoes on. Koyuki knew he wasn’t going to listen, so he grabbed both their plates and put them in the correct spot.

Katsuki was waiting by the door for his younger twin while Koyuki put on his shoes.

They walked through the door together.

Katauki gave Koyuki his other earbud so they could listen to music together. 

Katsuki learned to play the drums while Koyuki learned how to play the guitar.

Katsuki likes orange while Koyuki likes red.

Katsuki's eyes were red while Koyuki’s were light orange.

Koyuki’s quirk was slightly different from Katsuki’s. Unlike Katsuki, Koyuki had to rub his hands to create the explosions. Though that may sound like he's weaker, he has equal power to Katsuki. Another difference between their quirks was that Koyuki never sweats and the explosions were more red than orange.

Anyone could tell they were twins just by the looks.

They were like two peas in a pod. Even though they're attitudes were slightly different, they still fit like a puzzle.

The two Bakugous' reached U.A, but before they could walk through the doors, Katsuki put a hand on Koyuki’s shoulder.

“If anyone, and I mean anyone, hurts you physically or mentally, you better let me know, so I can beat the shit outta them,” Katsuki said in a deep tone.

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