Chapter 4

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Long chapter ahead, so get some popcorn, we finally get a glimpse on Koyuki's background.

Don't play the song above till you see this ❣🎶

Katsuki and Koyuki arrived to class on time surprisingly, since they usually mess around.

Koyuki's pov

Morning classes ended and Katsuki, his friends, and were heading to the cafeteria. Ever since the sleepover thing, every guy in my class has been giving me compliments, usually on my quirk, but sometimes it would be on my looks. They aren't brave enough to do it in front of my brother, because they know their asses would be blasted.

"Honestly, I would hate to see Aizawa naked but if I had to pick between the two, it would have to be Mineta."
"Aizawa is a Pro so I assume he works out at least some, Mineta is a fucking ugly ass grape so it would have to be Aizawa."

Sometimes I wonder if they are flirting with me or not, it's confusing, but they seem straight. I don't want to assume but I also don't want to be heartbroken in the end.

"How the fuck would I know why they put those stickers on the fruit?! Dumbass don't ask me shit like that."

We finally reached the cafeteria, I pack both my brother and I spicy ramen and hot Cheetos, I put strawberry milk in mine while Katsuki had water. Basic bitch.
My friends continued their weird conversations.

"How many pizza slices can you guys eat in one sitting, I can do 6!" Mina started.
"Damn, probably 6 too."
"WEAK, I can do 12!"
"No you can't big bro, I've seen you eat 4 and get full," I replied to Katsuki.
"SHUT UP!" Everyone laughed.

"What's the weirdest thing you own?"
"Honestly I don't think it's weird but others do, I still own a mannequin."
"The Fuck? Doesn't that creep you out at night?!"
"Not really I use it for trying outfits," Mina stated.
"Pff, anyway I own edible glitter."
"I have stuffed animals which y'all know of."
"Dumbass I told you to get rid of those, your not 5."
"Shut up bro, you can't say anything when you got a bunch of All Might figures in your closet." Katsuki just told me to shut up but everyone was laughing at my roast.

The bell ringed, signaling it was the end of lunch.

We were all having math right now, but I really had to use the bathroom.
"Teach, can I please use the restroom?" Ectoplasm replied with a yes.

I checked myself out in the mirror for a couple of seconds to waste time but I finally left the bathroom.
I was on my way back, when a couple of kids, who seemed like they were from a different class, bumped into me.

"Oh look, it's the class 1-A fag!"
"Bet he likes it up the ass with his figure."
More comments seemed to grow and they circled me. It was pissing me off, but even if I want to teach them a lesson, we weren't allowed to use our quirks unless it was for schoolwork.

"Ahh, is the fag going to pout?"
"Fucking pussy."

"Shut up, you ain't shit. This is UA, shouldn't you be more civil?"

"Look at this fag trying to stand up to us, UA won't do shit to help a feminine gay like you."

"Who said I was gay? Does that mean you're attracted to me?"

"Shut up!"
"Yeah, or we'll take you down physically."

"Yeah right, there's a reason I'm in class 1-A, bitches."

"Fuck that's it." This dude, who must have been the leader, lost his cool so soon. He whispered into one of his friend's ears.
"No dude, I could get in trouble from that and kicked out of the school!"
"Are you saying you're a chicken, and I had respect for you." He used the guilt trick on his friend into doing whatever he told him.
"Fine." His hands then formed into glass with what looked like a green liquid dripping from them.
My head flung so fast into a locker I thought I was going to pass out from the whiplash. That must have been a sign for the others to do the same. More pain was inflicted onto me. What was I supposed to do?

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