The first date

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Elly walked up to Zen's car that was parked on the edge of the street and started to get in.

"Hi there, Elly" Zen said turning back to look at here "Feeling a bit k-9ish today?

It was then Elly looked down at her tail still hanging outside the car.  

"Oh! My god.. I.. I'm sorry I for.." she muttered while her checks turned bright pink and started to burn.

"It's ok, you look adorable as a puppy" he giggled "do you want to come over to my place and hang out?" he said watching Elly pull her tail into the car.

"Sure" She responded closing the door and buckling in.

"My parents are out for the week, so you don't need to worry" He said starting the car as they pulled out. Zen was a little taller then average , quite skinny, and had black hair. They had small talk about how they have been over the last few days. They then started pulling into Zen's house's drive way. 

"Watch your tail" he said while the two of them stepped out of the car making Elly blush a little. They walked up to the house and Zen let her in.

"Woah, you have a nice house" Elly said stepping into the house.

"Thanks!" Zen replied while following her in. "The couch is right over there if you want to sit down. I'll be in a just a moment.

Elly took a around the house while she wondered over to the couch and sat down. It was a large blue sofa that could fit 7 or 8 people on it. It faced a large T.V that was hanging from the wall. As she was looking around Zen came back into the room.

"You want to watch a show?" He asked watching Elly

"Sure she said sitting down on the couch" Zen sat down next to het and picked up the remote and turned on a show about a detective. 

"I love this show" Elly said as Zen started to settle next to her.

"That's good, I love this show to" Zen responded.

After watching the show Zen got up to  go get some popcorn and Elly spread out across the couch. Zen cam back and laid down putting his head against her tail and petting it with his hand making Elly blush a little bit. Although she had to admit she liked the feeling of having her tail pet. After about another 2 hours of watching the show a chatting about the things they like Zen stood up. 

"I'm going to go make some lunch" He said walking into the kitchen

After about 25 minutes he walked in from the backyard and called for Elly 

"Burgers are ready" He yelled though the back door "Would you like yours on a plate or in a dog bowl"
Elly sat there for moment a little surprised but then finally choose  

"In the bowl please" she said exited to try eating out of a dog bowl\

She walked outside where Zen was putting a burger in a dog bowl. 

"This is one of are old dogs we do don't have any mores bowl." He said as he took the bowl and a plate with his burger on it to the table to the outside step. 

"MMM, this is really good" Elly said as she eat the burger, a few extra pieces of the burger flew out into the bowl.

"I'm glad" Zen responded "I've always loved cooking" giggling as he watched parts of Elly's burger fall into the bowl.

After they finished eating Elly helped clean up this dish's.

"You can take that with you" Zen said watching Elly clean out the dog bowl "We don't use it anymore"

"Oh, thank you" Elly said putting the bowl to the side.

"I better get home" Elly said looking at the clock.

"You need a ride home?" Zen responded

"Sure!"  Elly responded not wanting to have to walk home.

They got into Zen's car and he drove her back to her house

"Thank you so much" Elly said starting to leave the car "We should do this again sometime? are you free tomorrow?"

"Sure! I can do tomorrow" responded Zen

"Great! see you tomorrow!"

"See you then my good puppy" He said as Elly walked up towards the house making her blush a little. Although she did like being a puppy and Zen was so nice. She walked back into the house and sat down on her phone for the rest of the day until her parents came home.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2020 ⏰

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