17: Intensive Care

Start from the beginning

The boys spoke between themselves in the living room while Gianna took care of her business.

She dried herself off after her shower, then put on her bra and panties. Standing in front of her sink and mirror, she grabbed everything she needed and started to carefully change her dressing. She cleaned up the area first, applied some of the special cream she'd been given and then put on a fresh covering, followed by wrapping a bandage around herself to really hold everything in place because she was technically meant to be on bed rest to avoid the stitches popping; but no one could tell her that. Once that was done she got changed into something basic yet presentable before getting everything she needed and going to join the boys.

"Is this presentable enough?"

Roman chuckled. "You make anything look good Gia, that's a fact."

"Okay let me reword that. Do I look professional enough?"

"It's not too much but not too little either." Andre said. "I think it's good."

"Me too."

Gianna smiled. "Great, lets go then."

_ _ _

Gianna Romano

The last few days have been awful. I hate hospitals, like most people I guess, so being stuck in one because of one small little cut and a few stitches really did rub me the wrong way. We really only had to go there because of how bad of a state Devonte was in. Tony had really gone for the more critical places on his body, but he should've known that Von is a fighter and it will take more than a few stab wounds to kill him. After I knocked that pathetic excuse for a man out, I had Roman take him back to the warehouse my father has out here where all his men are set up - everyday his ass has been getting tortured, not to the point it would kill him, but enough to make him suffer a great deal. It won't be until Devonte is back up and running when we actually kill him. I want Von to have the liberty of doing so since the guy could've almost killed him.

If we're being honest, I'm a little nervous for this meeting with Nasir. From what Andre tells me, the man doesn't play around which is something I highly appreciate. I just hope he and I can come to a mutual agreement as to where we go from here. No one knows when Devonte will wake up and I already know Tony won't be killed until then, so got the time being we still have the alliance with each other and we still have to work with each other. I know Von coming to New York was a seperate mission, therefore Nasir has been taking care of everything else in their business, so I'm not entirely sure how this will work - but that's even more reason why we need to have this meeting.

"You aight back there Gia?"

My eyes met Andre's through the rear view mirror. "Yeah, just thinking."

"Don't stress, okay? Everything will work out the ways it's meant to be."

The rest of the ride was quiet after that and soon we were pulling up to the trap. The boys got out first but let me lead the way inside. As soon as we started walking through the warehouse everyone stopped and stared at us and I caught onto two people in particular - those girls from the other day. I stopped for a second and narrowed my eyes at them which quickly made them get back to work. Andre and Roman chuckled lowly behind me at the fact as I started walking towards the meeting room again. The guard outside the door greeted me and the boys before stepping to the side and letting us inside.

Immediately my eyes landed on a very well dressed and presentable dark skinned young man standing in front of one of the whiteboards that detailed part of our plan for Tony. Upon hearing us though, he turned to face us with an unreadable, almost blank expression on his face but that quickly changed. He stared at me intently and swiftly let his eyes trail my body a few times but not in a creepy way, it was like he couldn't believe what he was seeing. I guess he thought I'd be a plain and simple Italian white girl...oh no honey, I am half black and proud of it.

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