The Mate

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 Jacob was lost in his thoughts thinking about the day he became Alpha this was seven months ago and he only had a year to find a Luna or he would lose his place as Alpha. Its not like he had not been trying he had search every pack around the world including the packs most forgot about but no mate was there. He was sure she was out there somewhere but had lost hope and this is when the Council decided it was time  to summon him to Italy and remind him that his time was almost up it was find a mate even one he did not bond with our lose his pack. Jacob was lost in his thoughts when he was startled by the flight attendant "Sir please prep for landing we are starting our descend into New York city, we will fuel there and start our flight back to Arkansas."

 With so much going on in his head Jacob felt that he needed to get off the plane his wolf, Ragnar, needed to stretch his legs and run so he figured he would just take the time and run back home. "I will get off here you fly my stuff back to Arkansas, someone will be there to pick up my things. We are landing in the private section correct?"

 "Yes sir as you requested all stops are to be in a secured area."

 "Good." Jacob waited for the plane to land once landed and taxied to the fueling area he got of the plane and walked towards the tree line. Once out of site he shifted into his massive wolf self and started to run in the direction of home. After a few days of running he had a feeling that he needed to head south some he had made some good time and figured why not just head back down to Mississippi and over into Louisiana. He didn't really half to eat much on his trip but he stated to get thirsty once inside Louisiana he found him self a nice little creek and started to drink his mind was finally clear of the thought and fear of losing his pack.

 While he was drinking he heard splashing from across the creek he looked up an saw the most beautiful girl he had every seen. As soon as his eyes focused on her he could she here in a white sun dress sitting on the edge of a dock swinging her feet back and fourth and he felt this erg inside him telling him he needed to go over to her just to get a better look. He hesitated for a moment but he could see all over her she sat there with a smile that melted his heart, her chevage showing perfectly in that sundress her nipples peeked out hard from the gently breeze he smiled and thought what the hell why not as he made his way around the creek.

 Once he got to the other side he hide behind a tree and watched he for a moment his heart warmed "So adorable" he thought to himself as he inched closer to her. He could see every inch of her and her beautiful curves something was coming over him he just had to get closer to her. He started walking on the dock trying to be quite but his claws mad a gently scratching sound the women startled looked back and saw him. 


 As I sat there thinking of where I should go next kicking my feet in the cool water I heard a scratching sound I looked back to see a massive dog looking at me. As I jumped in fear I saw the dog pause his move movement for a moment and bent his head down. He was huge, his body looked like he could bench-press  600 pounds easily, massive brad shoulders teeth clenched together each one looked to be bigger then my own fingers. But his eyes were so breath taking they reminded me of the summer sky but lighter shade of blue, as they looked at me almost like they were piecing threw me as i jumped slightly they looked to have gotten softer and gentle, the dogs tonged then flopped out of its massive mouth almost playfully. He kept stalking towards me in fear I may die I shut my eyes and when I did I fell into the creek sinking to the bottom. The dog jumped in after me grapping me gently by my dress and pulling me to safety I'm was not sure what was actually going to or about to happen to me.

 Once on shore the dog backed away but stayed in a playful stance like my golden retriever used to do when i was a kid. For a brief while we stayed just looking at one another eventually the dog started to creep forward towards me I was still scared but it had just saved my life maybe it isn't a monster but then again look at the fucking size of it. When it got to about arms length away from me it stopped and just looked at me up and down I gently reached my hand out to meet its nose listening to see if it was going to growl at me or not. My hand stopped and the dogs cold nose sniffed my hand then started to lick my hand. "Whew I thought you were going to kill me there for a while." I said to it as I started to pet the dog starting with his head then ears then back, it walked closer to me and flopped down next to me rolling all over. I instantly felt safe like i was supposed to be with this dog or it was supposed to be with me to protect me. It rolled over on its back and started to bet its chest looking down at his belly. "Oh so your a boy dog," I said to him as i look down at his big thick cock. 

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