The Fight

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As they looked up at the elder standing there in his robe gently blowing in the wind his gray hair slicked back Jacobs heart started racing he could feel his wolf pacing back and forth waiting eagerly ready to pounce.

"Calm down Ragnar its not time yet," Jacob spoke softly to his wolf, who then stopped the pacing and sat down with a soft growl sigh.

"When the rock hits the ground you shall commence the fight and will continue till one stands above the rest," the gentle shaking voice of the elder spoke as he held a rock painted with the clans crest on it. Known as the slayers our crest was a wolf standing on the bodies of vampires, and other supernatural beings.

The elder tossed the rock into the air as it neared the ground everyone shifted into their wolf forms. Jacobs wolf waited to the last second being stubborn because he was just told to calm down as the rock touched the ground with a thud Ragnar appaired . Ragnar stood there bigger then the rest of the wolves in the training circle, he was the size of a quad with big paws sharp fang like teeth, dark black fur with a white face looking like something from your nightmares, but the softest baby blues eyes some would say looked like the oceans in Hawaii. Jack was the first to attack of course going after Matt for the Jackie boy comment he lunged forward grabbing Matt's front paw and started to drag him into the center of the circle. Matts wolf who was pure grey with amber eyes just swatted Jacks nose with his other paw playfully. Jack growled loudly in anger and leaped at Matt but forgetting that this was a fight for Alpha not just training. Rick took advantage of this spearing Jack in the rips grapping him with his mouth you could hear every one of Jacks rips crack and break as he slams into the rock wall surrounding the circle.

Jack whimpers unable to get up he would heal from this but he was done for the fight he could not stand up when he tried the pain would shoot through out his body and he would collapse in pain and whine. Jacks mate fell to her knees crying she felt his pain she had the ability's to take pain or most of the pain from other pack members onto herself to help them fight but there was no help for Jack, as tears filled her eyes she screamed out in pain and looked away she could not take his pain anymore she had to look away and break the connection. Rick stood over Jack feeling the knot in his stomach grow he started to put his snot on Jack to check on him he did not mean to hit that hard. As Rick bent down he heard the footsteps of RJ and he shook it off he felt bad but he remembered why they were there in the first place and jumped onto the rock wall and flipped back over RJ who just looked up in amazement.

Ragnar saw that his friends and opponents were busy focusing on each other and just started to pace slowly with a soft growl shifting around the circle waiting for the best time to strike. Matt saw this and knew what Ragnar was capable of and he knew that Ragnar knew he always was soft on the right side so he shifted his ass so Ragnar stayed on his left. A loud thud was heard getting the attention of Matt RJ had somehow managed to toss Rick on the ground and was biting on him, but Rick was not out yet he let RJ bite at him and chew while he waiting to find a weakness to take advantage of. Soon enough RJ tuned his head just right and Rick lunged his mouth up and biting RJ on the top of his snout. Rick locked his jaws knowing RJ had nowhere to go but yet RJ kept trying to shack him off. Rick could taste RJs blood this aroused him he loved the taste of blood and was know from time to time to bite his mate Jen from time to time during sex causing her to bleed just so he could get more aroused, he would lock his jaws onto her side or neck causing her to bleed and would use this as his only grip as he slammed into her. His thoughts were running wild not paying attention to anything as he just licked the blood thinking about his sweet Jens throbbing pussy while he was holding her down and tasting her. Matt took full advantage of this and jumped into action snarling and drooling he grabbed Rick by the neck dragging Rick and RJ Matt knew what Rick was thinking of and he could not stand it Jen was Matts younger sister and he had to hear her as she would complain about it at the beginning until she stated begging for it.

Ragnar took his chance they were all together and locked onto each other now was his chance. He let out a massive growl sending shivers up the spines of the rest of the pack they felt it in the souls all their wolves started passing wanting to growl and howl back. Ragnar sprint at full speed at the pile of wolves rolling around each trying there best to get the upper hand, he leaped into the air he body souring threw the sky blocking the moon light from the pile on the ground. As he came down he landed on top of Matt grabbing him by the inside of his neck and flinging him backwards across the circle. Matts body slammed down and skipped across the ground scrapping his side and legs blood was instantly shown but Ragnar paid no attention to it he turned his attention to his best friend and slammed his weight into him causing him to shift and let RJs snout go. As Ricks mouth let go blood shot from RJs wound into Ragnar's eye. Ragnar did not even flinch just turned his attention to RJ, Ragnar went into his fighting stance growling loud and hard RJ jumped at him and missed Ragnar grabbed him by his tail and threw him across the circle. every one was down but Ragnar he allowed them to get up, but from his hard hits they were all dazed but all together lunged at him. Ragnar side stepped and fought all three at the same time blood shot from everyone but him he flung them around tossing them like they were nothing but pillows filled with feathers. after an hour or so they were spent none of them could get back up not even Rick. Ragnar knew he had won and with that he howled. Matt, RJ and Rick all lowered there heads knowing they had been defeated.

"The winner and new Alpha of the clan Slayers Jacob and his wolf Ragnar!" the elder declared.

Once those words left the lips of the elder a silence fell and you heard thunder crackling in the distance as Ragnar walked out of the circle and over to the pack. The elder spoke to him gently "You shall watch over and protect this pack from now till the end of your days, from this time forth you shall think of the pack first before yourself. You shall kneel to no other wolf and you words are final, Now take your place as Alpha," the elder pointed to a rock standing alone by the pack Ragnar jumped to the top looking over his pack. He noticed everyone was shifting into wolf form Ragnar let out a deep and powerful growl then bark the pack all kneeled. He felt the power of the pack come over him like a rush of warmth over his body both inside and out. He felt them communicate as wolves do via mind link all congratulating him he growled again.

"Hush do not congratulate me I am here because he lost a great leader we shall morn the fallen." Ragnar said in his growl "I shall do my best to lead us as my family has before into success and keep us sharp we can not let our guard down there is still danger around every corner!"

"You must pick your Beta Alpha Jacob" the elder said softly

"Rick you up for the task" Jacob looked over at Ricks bloody self with a toothy grin Jacob though to himself what an idiot.

"Yes Alpha i will do my best as you're Beta" Rick responded

Jacob turned into his human form as did the rest of the pack " Now everyone go into the pack house have some food clean yourselves up and get a good nights rest."

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