12. I built your walls around me

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Aesthetic for chapter

Aesthetic for chapter

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Harry's POV

Good fucking start Harry Styles.

The person you were trying to impress is nowhere to be seen.

"Where is she?!" I whispered under my breath looking around the crowded area of the streets we were roaming around.

Yeah so I've lost Millie. We were just seeing the several shops and beautiful architecture around the very busy streets she has brought me to. I swear I just got distracted by this small shop and when I turned around she was not there.

And my insecure part is doing its best job to make me think that she ditched me out of nowhere.

She seemed to enjoy my company as far as I know or at least she was pretending it for my sake. We talked the whole time we were together, not taking a car with us was a good decision, there was so much to admire about this city when you are not in hurry and just walking around. I liked that I had someone with me in this new place. Rebs is way too busy to find new jobs every week.

When Chase asked me to come to this mysterious party yesterday, I had no idea where he was taking me but I played along because I was curious.

And at last I was correct about Millie having a boyfriend. I met him at his birthday party which he was clearly not enjoying. And his name was Harris, so I guessed the initials Millie got would be for him only. But seeing the fact that her boyfriend had a shit birthday and was in a bad mood, she should be with him right? Well I'm not complaining, I'm actually flattered.

No! Keep your narcissism quite for the day!

Anyway after I found out that she had a boyfriend, I decided to keep my mind away from her even when Rebs was telling me last night that I was way better than that SpongeBob and that Millie deserved better. You can't really judge someone without even actually talking to them, well not if you count screaming at him from the doorway, overly drunk.

Drunk Rebs is little extra.

But I'm gonna enjoy this time with her and admire this city. She seemed to have a lot of knowledge about everything. I had a good eye when it came to art, but it also reminded me of why I left England so I stopped paying attention to it and decided to stay away, but the knowledge and fascination I see in Millie's eyes for art does not make it easy for me.

I came out of my trail of thoughts and tried to find Millie again. But my eyes stuck on a certain object which was displayed in a shop as one of the showpieces. I was seeing that object through the glass in front of it and the only thing that it reminds me of was Millie. I need to give her that, its beautiful.

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