3. Just to see the lines we've crossed

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Fuck I am nervous.

Its been two days of over analysing every single thought one could possibly have about getting a tattoo.

And You're still being a wimp about it.

My subconscious never helps.


But today is the big day when I am finally getting my skin inked. I have an appointment at the same tattoo parlor where Harris gets his. I wanted a trusted one so that at least I don't have to worry about getting it messed up.

Harris's birthday is still in two days but I wanted the tattoo to breathe a little and get healed till the time he first see it.

I wouldn't say that I am not excited. Even with all the chaos in my mind, I am very much prepared and looking forward to this day.

I have taken the day off because of the appointment but Harris thinks I will be going to work. He has been busy a lot these days.

I snapped out of thoughts when I felt familiar pair of hands grabbing my waist from back.

"Good morning baby." I heard Harris's deep morning voice that I love.

"Morning babe, you're awake early." I asked because he was never a morning person and he needs his sleep after late night projects.

"Yeah, was thinking that we aren't spending much time together nowadays and we both have been really busy. So wanted to have breakfast with you before you leave." he finished with a sad tired look in his eyes.

I was feeling bad because he was right we haven't spent a lot of time together since we both were caught in our busy schedules.

"That's a good idea! And the breakfast is almost ready" I said hoping he would go and sit by the table but instead I felt his lips leaving kisses in the crook of my neck and his hold on my waist getting tighter.

"I thought we were having breakfast" I chuckled at his cute behavior.

After that everything happened so fast that I didn't realise when he turned me around and crashed his lips to mine. I kissed him back with same intensity and our tongues tangled more desperately.

I felt his hands going from my waist towards my thighs and hoisting me up on the counter. He deepened the kiss while I put my one hand on his bare chest and another on his neck.

He moaned and deepened the kiss even more-

I heard his phone ringing kept on the kitchen table.

"Fuck" he cursed while his lips were hovering on mine.

"It's okay pick it up, it must be important" I said giving a small peck on his cheeks while hopping down from the counter adjusting my clothes and continued making the breakfast.

Harris took his call outside, maybe something important. I went back to mixing the pancake batter while humming a random tune.

As I was pouring the batter in the pan I heard him getting back inside, I turned around and came face to face with him and saw that his eyes were wide and he held his phone tightly in his hands.

"Mills, guess what?" he asked with a calm tone but I knew this voice clearly. Its either something way too exciting or something devastating.

"Harris you do know that I'm not good with guessing games. Um you're getting a butt injection plastic surgery and you wanna look like one of the Kardashians?" I said with fake excitement in my voice and doing my best to contain my laughter.

He gave me the 'are you fucking serious' look.

Oh well I told you that I'm not good with this.

"NO! where did you even got that from? Anyways do you remember that flirty guy we met at that photography exhibit?" he asked while coming towards me.

"Yeah I do" I said rolling my eyes. The guy was not flirting, he was just asking me about exhibition. Harris sometimes get way too protective.

"Yeah well that fucker turns out organises many exhibitions and liked the photographs I clicked and wants them to display in his upcoming exhibition tomorrow night!" He said scratching back of his hair.

"Oh my god!! That's absolutely amazing babe, I'm sure everyone's gonna love your work" I said feeling genuinely happy and excited for him.

"You will come to the exhibition with me right?"

"Can I say no to an art exhibition?" I said while continuing making the pancakes.


Can you die from over thinking?

I hope not.

I am standing in front of the tattoo parlor which is starting to look like hell to me by each passing second.

I pick out on my cuticles and decide whether to enter this hell hole or not.

If earth would crack open and swallow me, it would be much better

At times like these I wish I had a best friend or something like that. Like someone I could talk about things like these and have sleepovers. I mean I have Harris, he is supportive as a friend as well and I do talk to Chase as well sometimes but he is a teenager and most of the time is more like pain in ass instead of acting like a friend.

When I was back in San Marino living with my parents, I had many friends and most of them were very close to me but when I moved here, I first met Harris and he turned out to be more than a friend and I got busy in bakery and didn't get much time to make friends.

"Millie" I snapped back to reality when I saw Paul, the owner of the tattoo parlor coming out of it, calling me, and here I was looking like I was about to rob his parlor.

Good start

"You are finally here, I was waiting for you, are you ready to get a tattoo?" He asked with a bright smile on his face.

"Yes, of course" I said.

Absolutely not

He doesn't have to know that. I have to keep my subconscious shut or she is gonna make me fuck this up.

He cleared his throat and asked "Shall we go in then?"

I gave him a small nod and walked inside with him.

AN- Next chapter is gonna be an interesting one.

Love you all ❤️


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