11. Please come over here

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The direct rays of sun and bright light woke me up. I didn't realise that I dozed off when I was thinking about last night and slept on the couch.

And yes Harris didn't return home.

He was gone, I had no idea where he was or what he did all night, he didn't even have his phone with him. I was more worried about him than being confused about of our conversation that we had last night.

Or the conversation we didn't have.

I don't even know what to do, I called his friends to ask if he was with them but each one of them said no. I realised how less we both have talked about ourselves after getting busy with work because I literally have no idea where he would go in a situation like this.

I realised this even more when I decided to get that tattoo. Yes the fear in the back of my mind became real at the end and now I despised those two letters. I don't know what triggered Harris's reaction but I'm sure as hell that I shouldn't have gotten the tattoo. He hates it and there's no use of keeping someone's initials on your body when the person themselves don't like it.

I tried to convince myself last night through many scenarios trying to reason Harris's sudden blow up.

Maybe he had something important that he forgot? But he was alright when I gave him his first gift.

Maybe he went to try the new camera lenses? In the middle of the night and without the lenses. Now I'm just thinking bullshit, I just don't want him to be mad at me, I don't wanna hurt him.

I got up from the couch and realised that my neck is sore and it hurts like hell. I had slept in my clothes from last night and now they all are wrinkled. My hair are a mess and I'm damn sure that so is the house.

Good morning Millie!

I made my way towards the kitchen trying not to step on the cups and empty beer bottles littered on the floor. This is going to take so long to clean.

This is completely not fair, if Harris didn't like the tattoo, shouldn't he talk just to me like an adult and discuss things? It's not like I would've been upset from him just because he didn't like a tattoo that I got for him. I would have just asked him for a reason and then we would talked about it further?

I know I can't make him like it because seeing his reaction, he hates it. But maybe I can just keep it and hide it from his eyes so he doesn't get triggered again. But for that I fucking want the reason behind the blow up!

But no he just disappeared, not talking about anything, not giving me any statement or reason leaving me worried and confused. I'm guessing he would be fine, he spent many nights out of the house because of his work, he could've spend one more. It's his fault as well.

My head started hurting from all of the thoughts roaming around in my head, clashing with one another. I went towards washroom and swallowed an advil from the medecine box kept in the cabinet. I came back and made some coffee to feel more active.

After drinking the coffee and feeling a little better I started cleaning the house, not letting any thoughts about Harris invade my mind, atleast for now. Cleaning the house always cleans my head too. Sounds dramatic but it's like removing all the negative thoughts from my head and surroundings. There were red cups and beer bottles everywhere. This reminds me that I have to talk to Chase about his little stunt yesterday.

Did Harris got upset because of the party and left? No, no more thoughts him.

As I was cleaning the couch, I found my phone which I literally didn't check all day yesterday, as I opened it, I found few texts from an unknown number.

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