Chapter 2

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Art of Seduction

Chapter 2

"So, Kongpob..." the man says, biting his plump lower lip before continuing and Kongpob can see the evidence of small teeth cuts on that lip. His teeth bit into that man's flesh!

"...shall we get back to business then? It's a paid night after all." He ends his words with a sly wink towards Kongpob.


What the fu...!

Kongpob's unable to move his legs or think clearly, and the panic is flowing over him like a furious surge. He tries to open his mouth for refusal, but it's impossible. If he could only find the strength to get up. He's still sitting on the floor, back tightly pressed against the wall like some stupid coward, desperately trying to make some sense into this absurd situation. 

Kongpob's eyes widen as he watches the (beautiful) no, just handsome, man approaching him with a lustful glare. Kongpob finds it hard to breathe, his chest feeling heavy and within seconds he's gasping for air. There's only a couple of steps between them, but it feels like eternity as Kongpob tries to think of a way to escape, a way to wake up from this living nightmare.

Too late. The man's already standing right in front of him, bending down to take a closer look on Kongpob's frightened expression.

"Baby, relax..." he whispers with a seductively low voice that makes Kongpob shiver. "I won't hurt you. I just want to play."

"Play?!" Kongpob hisses through parted lips, finally being able to form some words. "You're insane! I'm not a toy you can play with, so get out of this room!" He grits the last bit out between his teeth, hoping to scare off the man, but...

The man just grins at him. "Oh, you're not the best to talk about using people, are you, Kong?"

"Was there some part you didn't understand or are you just stupid? I said get out!" Kongpob's sentence sounds ridiculous even to his own ears. His voice is trembling like a little girl's, not to mention the shaking of his hands and wild beating of his heart. He's never been a person who can act properly in unexpected situations.

"You're actually kinda cute when you're all messed up like that." the man whispers, bends down and trails his finger down the line of Kongpob's sharp jaw. "It makes me even hornier."

Kongpob's heartbeat increases and heat rises into his cheeks as the warm hand fondles his skin, sliding over his heaving chest and skillfully unbuttons his black shirt. All the blood he used for thinking runs dangerously down to his strained cock, and he tries to fight against the waves of wild lust flowing through his body. No matter how much he wants to deny it, the sexual chemistry between them is too strong to deny...or resist.

"Don't that," Kongpob stutters in gasping breath, his words even less effective than a moment ago, his fingernails digging into the wall behind him, eyes threatening to shutter close from the tempting sensations making his skin tingle.

"You really think so?" the man asks with a raised brown, leaning in to place a tender kiss on Kongpob's exposed chest. "Then why aren't you leaving if you hate this so much? I'm sure you know where the door is."

Kongpob's just about to give an angry reply when he feels a warm hand sliding into his pants and stroking leisurely his half-erected cock. Kongpob has no idea when the man unzipped his pants, but the loud, involuntary groan escapes from his lips, head thudding against the wall behind him and he wriggles under the bold touch, trying to push the man away, while at the same time grabbing the man's arms for much-needed support. His fingernails dig into the man's pale flesh on his upper arms and then, Kongpob's gasping, pulling the man closer. "You're...I don't... Stop it..."

"You repeat the same things and still do nothing," the man grins, leaning closer to brush their noses together, while keeping firm eye-contact with the other man as he fists Kongpob's cock faster.

"How... Could I...ahh you... Idiot!" Kongpob pants and moans, half-heartedly trying to move away from the man's seductive touches. The man's touch is so good yet so wrong at the same time. Involuntarily, Kongpob bucks his hips against the touch and his eyes threaten to flutter close at the amazing sensation when the man's thumb brushes over his wet tip. "I'm pressed against... The wall and... You're all over me like... some fucking bug!"

"Fucking you indeed, if things go as I intend them to," the man says in a low whisper, placing tender kisses on Kongpob's tanned neck and totally ignoring the rest of his sentence. A wet tongue licks all the way from Kongpob's jaw down to his collarbone, plump lips latching onto his sweaty skin and sucking long and hard, reducing Kongpob into a withering mess of moans and one last bit of sanity left.

"Ohh god...fuck...No, no, ENOUGH! L-let me go, you...crazy stalker!" Kongpob protests in a high-pitched voice, eyes blazing, but hot and wildly turned on. His gasping for air, his palms pressing red prints onto the man's pale skin, but despite his words, he doesn't quite push the man away from him.

There's a slight moment of silence before the man pulls away from him and looks at Kongpob with hurt eyes and answers. "So you really don't remember me?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Kongpob snaps, wiggling under the man to escape from the situation before he's too attracted by the skilled hand in his pants.

"I thought you were just pretending not to..." the man sighs with an offended expression, like Kongpob just said something unforgettable, something he shouldn't have.


Kongpob begins in confusion, but suddenly the man lunges forward and their mouths are crushed together into a fierce kiss. It happens so quickly, Kongpob doesn't even understand what's going on before he feels the wet tongue sliding through his slightly parted lips, exploring his mouth in a bold and hungry way. Kongpob struggles to push the man away, but his drunken mind and hardened lower area aren't co-operating with the rest of his body. As the man's tongue curls around his own, without even realizing it, he returns the passionate kiss, wrapping his arms around the man's neck and pulling him closer.

Kongpob's too tired to fight any longer and the rather big amount of alcohol in his blood doesn't really make it easier. Damn, it's not so big of a deal, right? Kongpob thinks, sliding his hands through the man's silky hair and pulling rough. Who cares if he's a man as long as he keeps touching me like this?

"Ngh...ahhh..." Kongpob moans in between their kisses and simply stops thinking at this point. He doesn't remember the last time he's been so tempted to do something, feeling so alive to do something and so ready to just lose control right there and then. There's no need to ruin the mood by caring about unnecessary things like common sense.

"Wow..." the man gasps when they finally break the kiss to breathe. ""

Kongpob's surprised of the sudden change in the man's behavior. "What happened to your 'I'll-force-you-to-have-sex-with-me' tone?"

"...I would never force you." The man replies seriously, his firm words matching the intensity of his eyes, and Kongpob's breath hitches when the man leans closer to brush a strand of his hair away from his face. A simple yet gentle touch that sends another wild shiver down Kongpob's spine.

It's silent except for the faint noise of people chatting coming from the hallway, and Kongpob starts to use his brains again (which is a lot easier when someone's tongue isn't inside his mouth). He tries to figure out why the peaceful evening changed into this odd, insane situation where he has no control at all...and oddly, he doesn't even know if he wants to be in control anymore. Oh god, Kongpob's panic grows as his thoughts keep flowing, my hands are around his neck, his hand is around my cock, and we just kissed - oh god, what am I doing?!

"I- I really have to go," Kongpob stutters, trying to push the man away. "This is... We can't... I don't want to do this."

"You seemed quite willing a moment ago."

Kongpob shakes his head, his cheeks flushing redder than before. "That was... I... I'm drunk. And I don't even know your name. This is not... like me to-"


"What?" Kongpob asks in confusion, immediately forgetting his previous intention to leave.

"My name's Arthit."

The man slides his hand out from Kongpob's pants and stands up. "I would never force you into this, so..." he says disappointingly, gathering his clothes from the door (abandoning the fake boobs and the wig) and dressing up as quickly as possible.

Kongpob stands up as well, suddenly feeling empty, in a way he can't really describe. Maybe it's just because the seductive fingers left his aching member without further satisfaction. His hardened cock is painfully strained in his pants as he leans against the wall. This is exactly what I wanted. But why... this doesn't feel right?

"You look funny if you leave looking like that," Kongpob manages to say. "Women's clothes and man's appearance."

"I don't care."

The man moves towards the door, taking careful steps in his uncomfortable shoes. High-heels are surprisingly hard to walk with, especially when you're drunk and confused. And well...a man.

Kongpob watches Arthit's staggering for a moment, his heart is still beating wildly and...losing the last remains of his self-control. It's the alcohol, right? Otherwise I wouldn't feel like this...

"Wait!" words burst out from Kongpob's mouth before he could control them. "D-don't...go..."

Arthit stops and turns around, hand on the doorknob, staring him with a surprised expression. "What?"

Kongpob hesitates for a moment before answering, approaching Arthit as he speaks. "You don't have to leave yet. I mean... You... Paid for the night and all, and... It was a lot of money, so..."

Shit, I said it out loud.

Arthit can't believe his ears; he keeps staring Kongpob in disbelief. "R-really?"

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