5: The Hard Truth

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Todoroki POV:
I took a shower and changed before heading downstairs. Fuyumi was in the kitchen reading and Natsuo was cooking something on the stove top.

"Hi..." Todoroki said quietly

3rd Perosn POV:
Fuyumi and Natsuo were confused. Shoto never acted this way unless something was seriously wrong. He usually was at least somewhat talkative, but right now he was standing in the doorway of the kitchen, holding his arm as though he would die if he let go.

"Hey Shoto, are you Ok? Did something happen?" Fuyumi asked in a soft voice. Only then did Todoroki look up and they could see tears in his eyes.

"They found him." Todoroki said quietly looking back towards the ground. "Found who Shoto?" Natsuo asked looking at Shoto with concern I their eyes.


"Touya" Todoroki choked out as he started silently crying.

"WHAT?!" Fuyumi and Natsuo screame day the same time. "That's amazing! Is he Ok?! What happened to him-" Fuyumi started to ask quickly before realizing that Todoroki was full out crying now.

Something was wrong here.

"What happened Shoto, is he not ok?!" Natsuo said looking over at Todoroki.

"Oh he's fine..." Todoroki quietly mumbled which Fuyumi and Natsuo barely heard.

"Then why are you crying," Fuyumi questioned, even more confused now.


"He's in jail, and was making fun of what dad did to me and you and Natsuo.... He was with the league of villains and was trying to kill me..."

Fuyumi dropped her book and Natsuo forgot about dinner as he dropped the sizzling pan.

"HE WHAT?!?!" Fuyumi screamed.

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