My Dear Stranger

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Note: Izuku is around 13 the previous chapter and will start being a regular around UA at 14

The Sasaki residence was silent for the most part, everyone was gone, except a certain green haired boy. Mai had taken the others to school and she had gone to the hero agency. There was some noise in the attic courtesy of Izuku, he was searching for a photo album. He had spent a few hours searching through boxes containing clothes, old toys, books etc.

He had been searching for a few hours, surprised by the amount of boxes he found in the attic. "Ah there's so many boxes,"Izuku said with a huff,"who knew we had so much books". He proceeded to grab another box from a stack noticing something behind it. It was a safe, dark green in color, looking quite heavy, Izuku stared at it for awhile. "I should ask mom what's inside but what if it's what I'm looking for,"Izuku said with one finger on his chin,"well I guess I'll open it myself". At this point he was grinning at how to open the safe.

"Brute force won't work of course...unless",he chuckled at the thought of smashing it with OFA.
The safe was password protected, he could spend a lot of time guessing or was there some other way. "Hmm, I'm gonna try to break it open",he said powering up,"It's a bit heavy I should be able to carry it outside with my quirk". As Izuku carried the safe downstairs, the stairs creaked under its weight. Making it outside he placed it on the ground and began stretching a bit.

Powering OFA to 20% he jumped up and spun in the air a bit before coming down on the safe with an axe kick. He jumped back after landing the hit, the ground cracked due to pressure of it. "Lets see what damage I did,"he said walking to the safe,"pretty sturdy I see, I made a dent". Izuku would continue wearing it down for a few more minutes, until he was called out. "Izu, what are you doing honey",Mai said looking at her son. "I'm trying to crack open this safe I found in the attic,"Izuku said not being able to cover up the fact of what he was doing,"Wait, mom you weren't supposed to come home so early....".

"Well see this here",Mai said pointing at a little device on her keys,"This is connected to the safe, every time you hit it, it sends a signal to this little device". "Oh so that's why you came home",Izuku said chuckling. "Yes, Izu why are you trying to get into the safe may I ask",Mai said. "Well I want to see our old photo albums",Izuku said walking up to his mom,"I have a question, that I need answers to". "You could have just asked Izu",Mai said chuckling at her son,"here let me open it". Walking past her son she put in a password opening the safe.

"You're not mad",the greenette said. "Of course not, besides I shouldn't keep memories away from you should I", Mai said handing him a book,"Just ask next time, I'm heading back to the agency, hope you find what you're looking for".  "Okay mom, I'll see you later then,"Izuku said book still in hand,'I wonder what I'll find'. Looking through the photos it had many pictures of his younger self. He found a few pictures of his dad tall and blond, unlike the person from the other day he looked healthy.

Looking closer he noticed the similarities between their hair and eyes. He flipped through the book finding more pictures, he began thinking searching through his memories. "The man looked unhealthy like....",Izuku thought back to before he moved away. His father had looked sickly and lost a great amount of muscle mass after the 'incident'. Thinking back to the time he visited his father at the hospital....from that point he would have just gotten worse. "That man from the other day.....",Izuku said looking up towards the ceiling,"was my dad".

[On a building in Musutafu]

'It looks like they're finally back, but I can't show my face after what happened',All Might thought,"These thoughts it.....". Number 1 pro hero All Might also known as Toshinori Yagi stood there with a hand over his injury. ''Hurts to think about',Yagi thought looking towards the ground. The smile that he wore in front of all the cameras in the face of dangers began to change into that of a frown. Steam began forming around his body as he looked up one last time before turning around. He slowly walked into the building slowly shrinking losing muscle mass. "I guess my time is up for today",Yagi said. In place of All Might was a lanky man with blonde hair and blue eyes, very sickly in features.

[The Sasaki Residence(This happened before the paragraph above)]

"Well guess I'll carry the safe up",The green haired boy said powering up holding the safe between his arms,"And up we go". As Izuku made his way upstairs, Ana walked through the door followed by the todoroki trio. "Izu, we're home, Izu?",Ana said after not hearing a response,'Is he upstairs'. Ana proceeded to walk upstairs while Fuyumi, Natsuo, and Shoto sat on the couch, cooling off after the walk home. "Izu, are you up here", Ana said noticing the attic open. "Oh hello there Ana couldn't hear you up here", Izuku said while closing up the attic. "Hi, may I ask what you were doing",Ana said in wonder. "I was looking through some old stuff, just some pictures",Izuku said switching the topic,"Ah I should make a quick snack for y'all must be a bit hungry after school".

"What would you folks like as a snack",Izuku said with a smile. After a bit of back and forth switching between different snacks they finally decided on Doritos. Unfortunately there was none in the cabinets so Izuku got up and went to the store. Noticing a blur above him while walking down the street, this caught his attention as he began following it. After a few minutes and a bit of OFA the blur stopped landing on a building, to get a better look he scaled a building which was easy since he had done it many times under Mirko and personal training. As he looked at the other building, there stood All Might who looked deep in thought, he then began to emit steam and walked inside the building. "I guess this is where you live",Izuku said as a smile found its way to his face,"Dad".

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