Break Forth Ana

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Thought '...'
Speech "..."
It was Saturday, currently 9:00 a.m., Izuku was currently huddled at his desk as he was talking to Aiko through a webcam. They talked about how where things going back in the PEAK program before Izuku got a message. 'That must be Ana, she must be outside already',Izuku turned on his phone. Sure enough Ana had texted him she was waiting outside. "Hey Aiko, Ana's here let me bring her up so you can meet her",Izuku said standing up. Izuku and his mom lived about a 10 minute drive from the town in a pretty big 2 story house. His mom has bought the house several years earlier due to the mass amount of land that came with the house.

"Izuku you didn't tell me your friend, Ana was it, was coming today",Mai said raising an eyebrow at her son. She was happy to see her son making a friend it actually suprised her that he was adapting this quickly to the current changes. "Hey Izuku", Ana said as he walked down the stairs,"I noticed your house is a little out there isn't it"."Yeah, sorry I didn't tell you that it was out of town, anyways come up stairs I have someone for you to meet",Izuku said as he motioned for her to follow him. "Izuku is it possible to keep the noise to the minimum I have a meeting with some heroes",Mai said as Izuku nodded in compliance.

"I can't wait to see your room, I wonder how it looks",Ana said as they reached the door to Izuku's room. "Well it's not much since I recently just moved here most of my stuff is back home", Izuku said opening the door. "Wait, you mean back in Musutafu right Izuku",Ana said as she walked seeing a desktop in the far corner of the room. "Yup",Izuku said walking to his laptop,"here she is Aiko, this is Ana". "Hi Ana, my name is Aiko, Kusai Aiko nice to meet you",Aiko said waving from the desktop. "Oh nice to meet you my name is Hirano Ana",Ana said. "I'm going to go grab some tea so you guys get to know each other okay",Izuku said grinning while walking out the door.

"So your names are Juzo Moashi and Kaoruko Awata correct",Mai said as she stared at the laptop in front of her,"You two have been chosen to become the first two heroes at my agency, you will be talked to using your hero names". "Thank you for allowing us to join", Juzo also known as Centepider said. "Thank you for the opportunity but I have a question",Kaoruko also known as Bubble Girl asked,"How is the agency going to work if your a couple hours away from Hosu". "That's where you two come in, you will take interviews and I'll approve of the candidates",Mai said,"I need you two to also hire workers to keep the office clean and a secretary". The two heroes nodded as Mai went on the details to setup her hero agency.

Izuku was making tea as he heard his mom talking about a hero agency he would have to question his mom later as he had Ana and Aiko waiting upstairs. He quickly grabbed the cups of pipping hot tea on a tray and quickly made his way upstairs. As he walked into the room he heard Ana and Aiko laughing as he opened the door. 'They must be getting along',he thought as he walked in. "and Izuku literally fell through the floor of the haunted house",Aiko said as Ana looked ready to explode in laughter.

"Hey Izuku, me and Aiko were just talking about how you you hmph",Ana couldn't finish as she began giggling again,"broke the floor because you thought Aiko was in trouble". "Well Aiko literally screamed and I panicked okay",Izuku said remembering the embarrassing story. "Izu, it was literally a haunted house its made for people to get scared",Aiko responded as she chuckled. The three friends talked to each other for an hour and a half before Aiko had to say goodbye, she exchanged phone numbers with Ana to keep in touch.

"Ana, it's time to start your training",Izuku said as he turned his laptop off. "Okay, but where can train my quirk is kind o dangerous and you can't really use quirks in public". "We could train in the back of the house we have a large portion of the woods so we could train there",Izuku said getting up. Ana nodded as she and Izuku headed to the backwoods. They walked a few minutes until Izuku stopped near a tree trunk which seemed to be cut off by a sharp object. "This is the spot we should be able to go all out without any distractions",Izuku said stretching.

"Now I have to test your quirks power in rage for at least to see how to deal with it",Izuku said getting into a fighting stance. "Okay let me just tap into beserker",Ana said closing her eyes,"". Ana sudden opened her eyes they became white in color and she let out a high amount of steam from her body. "Well, Ana lets do this",Izuku said while his pupils turned pink,"Future Sight Lv 1". Ana rushed Izuku as he powered up One for All, yellow and green electricity danced on his skin. Using his quirk he was able to predict Ana's attacks but it became apparent to him that she was getting faster and stronger. Ana aimed a kick at Izuku's head, he dodged grabbed her leg an threw her towards a tree.

Ana recovered quickly and rushed towards him going for a punch which hit a tree instead of Izuku. He began to counter Ana, one kick to the left arm, a kick to the back of the neck, and an uppercut to the chin. Ana though she became faster still was not able to hit Izuku as he continued to dodge the flurry of punches and kicks. Ana jumped up and came down with a stomp that cracked the floor causing a shockwave which shook the trees around them. It was around 13 minutes in where Ana came close to landing a punch on Izuku. He started out with 10% of One for All but at this time he was nearly reaching 40%. He had to end this quick, he kicked her left leg tripping her over.

He kicked her in the solar plexus sending her flying up, he powered up 65% of OFA disappearing into the the trees. Ana was still in the air after Izuku had kicked her, in berserker form the damage taken was reduced so while most of the kicks hurt they weren't enough to take her out. Izuku appeared out of nowhere and kicked her side sending her flying down causing a shockwave due to the amount of power behind Izuku's kick. This ended the fight as Ana lost consciousness, Izuku picked her up and began walking back home. "You did good, Ana",Izuku said as he thought about how to help her control her quirk.

Ana had woken up 3 hours later it was around 4:30 in the afternoon. Izuku was playing an RPG named Death Strike: Voltage when Ana called out to him. "Izu, why does my back hurt so much",Ana said as she rubbed her back. "Sorry about that I couldn't let the fight drag on",Izuku said,"While you were sleeping I made a training regiment that would help you not only better your control but also help you become stronger over all". The regiment consisted of 1 hour of daily meditation, 6 days of the week dedicated to working out and 2 hours worth of martial arts practice.

"Ana after school we'll be headed straight for my house to train",Izuku said becoming serious,"This training won't be easy but I believe you'll be able to go through with it". Ana was happy, before Izuku came into her life she felt like hadn't been doing much but now that he was here, she felt that her once broken confidence repaired itself, growing more with each passing day. "Thank you Izuku for believing in me",Ana said while hugging Izuku as she teared up,"Thank you for being my friend". "It's okay Ana, remember you could always lean on me when you need to okay",Izuku said hugging the crying Ana patting her white hair. Thirty minutes later Ana left Izuku's home, as the night slowly started eating away at the daylight. When she got home she had a smile worn on her face, when her parents asked her why she was so happy, she responded with I have a good friend. Her parents were suprised as Ana had been the happiest she had been in a long time. Whoever made there daughter this happy was someone that they had to meet.

Future Sight Lv 1 is the first stage of Izuku's quirk, does not have a cool down like Nighteye when he uses it but overuse of it can cause temporary blindness it allows him to see a few seconds into the future. Izuku is able to use One for All at 100% because I want him to be a protective leader for Class 1-A. I'll also be giving Izuku moves that mirror rankyaku and soru from One Piece because it looks cool to me I guess.

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