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Speech "...."
Thoughts '....'

Hey...been awhile hasn't it

[Sasaki Residence]

Light shined through blinds on a Saturday morning as Izuku was quickly getting ready for the rest of the day. His schedule was quite tight as there was only a small-time period between his meeting with UA's principal Nezu and the sparing session with the girls. He finished putting away his spare clothes for later in a gym bag as he exited his bedroom. For a second Izuku thought of telling the girls that he would leave early and that they should meet him at the place but decided not to. Instead, he would text them later allowing them to sleep in a bit more. Little did he know they were awake and had been waiting to follow him. Unaware of this he ran out the door not knowing that two figures trailed behind him.

[UA High]
As soon as he got to UA he was greeted by the scruffy looking man known as Aizawa. They walked down the empty hallways of the school the only noise was coming from the steps they took and the small talk made as they walked to Nezu's office. "Listen kid you've been the talk of the school ever since you took that exam",Aizawa said. "Aaa really? I wonder what they've been talking about",said Izuku. "They just can't get over how such a young kid can hold so much power",Aizawa said glancing at Izuku,"Some of them want to spar to see if you're worthy of the position you'll be given". "That's something to look forward to can't wait to see their quirks",Izuku said excitedly,'My position as a student? is this something they usually do?'.

He was confused about the details still but continued down the hall reaching a room. "This is it Nezu should be inside I'll see you in a few minutes",Aizawa said opening the door. As Izuku walked in the door he looked around the room he noticed it was quite spacious. Each sides of the wall we're lined with cabinets and shelves with books. There were two black couches facing each other with a reddish table in the center. Near the huge glass window there was a desk with a spinning chair facing the window. Izuku made his presence known by calling out the little mouse-bears name. The response he got was almost instant as the chair spun around showing none other than Nezu sitting there.

"Hello there Izuku I'm glad you could make it today",Nezu said with a smile,"Are you excited to hear the news?". "Hello to you aswell Nezu, I'm extremely excited to hear the news",Izuku said grinning,"A bit nervous too if I'm being honest. "Don't be all is well, you passed the exams with flying colors you actually set a new high score for both exams you caught everyone's eyes",Nezu chuckled," As for the position while you may think it's one of a student at UA it is not". 'Huh',was all Izuku could think. "I know you might be a bit confused but I want to offer you a position here in UA",Nezu said,"Would you be willing to take on the position of assistant principal of this school?".

Izuku accepted quickly and asked about what he would be doing as the assistant principal. The mouse-bear explained that he would be helping out the faculty through out the school, setting up meetings for improvements, and accompanying students on trips outside of school. There would be some other things that he would need to do but he would learn about them more as time went on. "On to the next part it seems that a few of the teachers want you to 'prove yourself' Izuku",Nezu said,"You don't have to but if you are willing to show them what you're made of their  waiting near training ground A". After agreeing to the proposal the Nezu led Izuku to the training ground. 'This would be a good warm up for later, I'M PUMPED',Izuku shouted excitedly in his head.

[Outside of UA]
It's been awhile since Izuku had gone inside of UA, the two figures that had been following him were waiting on a bench for him to exit again. "Hey Saeno what do you think Izu's doing in there anyways?",Ana said. "Who knows maybe he's gonna enroll there this year I mean he could do that right I think",Saeno said her mind wandering to her thoughts of attending the school,"Ana I've been wondering where are you planning to go after junior high". "I'm thinking of taking the entrance exam for UA I've been wanting to attend for the longest",Ana chuckled a bit thinking back to those days in her hometown,"Honestly it's surprising never in these past few years would I have expected to be in the position to do this".

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