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As Izuku sat in the kitchen he began working out a plan to talk to Enji. Around Saturday would be a good time to talk to him about his questionable actions against his children. As he thought of what to say Natsuo walked in to kitchen grabbing a cup from the counter and serving himself some water. "Hey there Izuku haven't seen you in days",Natsuo said. Izuku learned from his time here that Natsuo would occasionally come in late and leave early to hang with friends. This meant that Izuku would only catch him sometimes during the week. Natsuo was home as tommorow would be Saturday and a hospital visit was coming.

The young boy could only wonder what the siblings would be doing in the hospital. "I haven't seen you all-",before Izuku could finish Enji's voice boomed through the house. "Natsuo where have you been these past few days",Enji said making Natsuo visibly flinch. "Umm, with friends hanging out",Natsuo said nervously. Enji quickly looked over to Izuku before gazing at Natsuo",This is unacceptable we'll talk more about this in private for now go to your room". As Natsuo walked up the stairs Izuku could only wonder what verbal abuse awaited poor Natsuo.

Saeno walked downstairs looking to get help with some assignments, she would ask Fuyumi but her sister confused her sometimes. Izuku was getting ready for afternoon training as Saeno walked up to him. A lot has changed since he got to the house, for one Saeno said more than a few words in a conversation. "Izuku I need help with English",Saeno said blandly. "Oh, well the issue is you're using the wrong word",Izuku said as he explained to her the definitions behind the words.

Saeno finally finished her assignments an hour or so later, noticing Izuku trying to stay airborne. She decided to get up and decide to get some decent training in. She was working on controlling the amount of ice she can create centering it on one object instead of chucking glaciers at things. This would come especially in handy when it came to dealing with Izuku as he could destroy the chunks of ice she would throw at him with ease. She was actually suprised Izuku was able to make her use the fire aspect of her quirk, even if it was just a small portion.

As the two trained Endeavor could be seen watching them from a window, suprised by the progress of the two. What suprised him even more is that Izuku got Saeno to use her flames, something even he couldn't accomplish. He turned around as Natsuo walked in,"Have a seat". Enji's voice wasn't just gruff but you could hear how angry he was. Natsuo looked at his father knowing only one thing, this wasn't going to end well.

It was around 2:30 in the morning as Izuku walked into the kitchen. Natsuo was in the kitchen applying ice to what seemed to be a bruise on his abdomen. This pissed Izuku off as he saw it, Natsuo looked up and quickly put down his shirt. "Um Izuku what are you doing up",Natsuo said hoping he didn't see the bruise. "I came to get a bit of water",Izuku said not trying to bring attention to the bruise. "Oh, uh, same I came to get some water that's why I have this ice",Natsuo said as he served 2 cups of water one for him and the other for Izuku. The two drank in silence, then Izuku headed upstairs back into the room as Natsuo stayed downstairs to treat the bruise.

The next day Izuku waited till eleven in the morning when the younger Todoroki's would leave, they wouldn't be back till 3 so it gave him enough time. As soon as they left Izuku walked into Enji's office and slammed the door shut. This suprised the red haired man as the green haired boy stared at him angrily. The man still wondered what he had done that would ensue this reaction but he couldn't come up with one.

The siblings had made it to the hospital walking in and signing in. They talked to the receptionist receiving name tags and walked to room 201, taking the elevator to the second floor before continuing. Today they would visit there mother in the hospital, though she wouldn't speak much they would keep her company. Sitting there a chilling feeling ran up Saeno's spine, something had gone very wrong. This caught Fuyumi's attention as Saeno was usually calm and collected. "Fuyumi I gotta go", Saeno said taking off. She waved down a taxi, telling the driver to get to her home quickly.

Reaching the home something had gone wrong as a fire truck was seen on the outside. Izuku was sitting on the curb while her father was talking to the fire men. "Izuku what happened",Saeno said shocked at what she saw. There was a gaping hole in the side of the house, partly black on the edges as if it had been burned. "I'll tell you later, for now pack up for Fuyumi and Natsuo", Izuku said as he looked at Enji,"You're living with me for the next few months". Saeno could only wonder what had gone down before heading into the home, filling some suitcases with clothes before heading back.

"Think about what I said and really try fixing yourself because this won't do",Izuku could be heard telling Enji. The man could only glare at the teen, walking away, getting in his car and driving away. Fuyumi and Natsuo would come 30 minutes later to the scene confused at what had happened, only Izuku and Enji would know what went down. Mai came a few hours later picking them up at the local Burger Boys as they had gotten hungry. As the trio of Todoroki's hopped in the car, Mai grabbed Izuku pulling him off to the side. "You know Izuku there was a better way of handling this", Mai said. "I was just so angry",Izuku said.

Mai grabbed her son hugging him as she stroked his hair. "Izuku you did the right thing what he did was horrible but to resort to violence was wrong, learn from this and become better", Mai said as she let go. Izuku walked to the car to think of what had happened today. The car ride was filled with Mai questioning the siblings. As they got to the Sasaki's home Saeno could only wonder, what now.

I know I haven't updated since what was it the 27th of May, but honestly I kept wondering how write this chapter. Other than that school did just end and I was just playing a lot of Dead by Daylight Mobile. I probably will spend awhile till the next chapter but I will try to get to it. Thanks For Being Patient :)

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