Chapter 10

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Warning Sexual Content In This Chapter

Team broke the kiss and stared at him in confusion.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Sometimes my cousins really piss me off." Win said.

"What happened?" He asked. Win told him what happened and how frustrated he is with Tharn.

"He's like you in the sense that both of you think you aren't worth of love. You are learning that but he is still in the hole of darkness and until he finds a reason to get out of it he's going to continue to be this way." Team said making Win sigh.

"I just want him to be happy." He said.

"I know" They stared at each other for a bit before Team told him what was on his mind.

"Are you...happy?" He asked. Win stared at him before he leaned forward  till their noses almost touched.

"I am happy because you make me happy." He said before he leaned in the rest of the way and kissed him. That did it for him. Team was now and forever will be in love with the blonde haired demon prince. You could say it was to soon or that they didn't know each other well enough, but Team would say when you meet your soulmate and your eyes lock on to theirs and you look into their soul you can see all you need to know. Now that he knows he's in love with Win he was going to tell him and he didn't care if he didn't love him back. He pulled back from the kiss and stared into his eyes.

"Win...I love you" Team watched as Win smiled before he leaned back in and gave him a quick kiss.

"I love you too and if I'm being honest, I have loved you since the moment I saw you." Win said.

"Do you want to...I mean we don't have to but I mean if you want to we could.." Team said making Win smile and chuckle.

"You want to have sex?" He asked making Team slowly nodded.


"Are you sure about it?" He asked. "We can always wait till you are ready." Team shook his head before grabbing the bottom of his shirt with both hands before pulling it up and off him then throwing it on the floor. Win growled at the sight of Team's delicious body before he stood then picked him up bridal style.

"We are not having sex for the first time on our couch." He growled before carrying Team upstairs. Team was excited and nervous about having sex for the first time but he was so ready for it. They made it to their bedroom and Win walked over to the bed and set him down on it before reaching for his shirt. He took it off and threw it on the floor before Team surprised him by standing and reaching up to take his ponytail out. He ran his fingers through his hair making Win moan before he pushed Team back so he landed flat on his back on the bed.

Win took a hold of both Team's sweatpants and briefs and ripped them off not bothering with pulling them down. Team gasped before Win tugged them away from his body then threw them on the floor with his shirt. Team stared up at his sexy prince as Win took a deep breath and ran a hand through his hair.

"You are so sexy" he said before he ran a hand down Team's body. Team bit his lip before sitting up and kissing Win's lean stomach. Win slid a hand into Team's hair as Team continued kissing his stomach while his hands took a hold of both his jeans and briefs and pulled them down. Win stepped out of them before he stopped Team from pleasuring him with his mouth.

"Tonight is all about you" Win said.

"But I want to please you"

"Giving you pleasure will please me." Win said before leaning down and kissing him. He pushed him back onto his back while following him down not breaking the kiss. Team moaned into the kiss as Win ran his hands down his sides before moving to grip his cock. Team broke the kissed and moaned, throwing his head as Win started to stroke him. Win smiled before kissing Team's neck, giving it little love bites that just made Team moan louder.

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