Chapter 12

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So to explain the author's note from last chapter. I had to go on adventure to get to my new job to do some stuff for it. It took forever and by the time I got home I was so tired but wanted to get out at least one chapter out for you guys.

Also I want to thank SuzijSR for giving me the idea that you will find out in this chapter. Thank you.

Team watched as the fight of a lifetime went down in his backyard. Pick had killed one of the Imps and was working on the last one when more came out of nowhere and were attacking Pick. Pick fought hard and took a bunch out before Kongpob started helping him when he took care of tree man. Korn was still dealing with the dark blue dragon but it looked like both were getting good blows in.

Tin and the assassin were hiding behind things throw knives at each other. Tin had gotten some into the assassin while the assassin hadn't gotten a single knife into him. Tharn and the vampire who apparently was the one to turn him into a vampire were in a heavy fist fight and it looked like Tharn was winning. Nine and the sorceress were in a heavy battle using magic to throw everything they got at each other.

Win was in hand to hand combat with his father while also using his power on him. His father was throwing it back at him with his elements power. Team's head whipped to where he heard someone cry out. The assassin had thrown a knife in Tin's throwing arm and was now pulling the knife out as the assassin turned and looked at Win. Team's eyes widened as he pulled out a throwing knife and was aiming it at Win who had his back turned.

"Noooo!!" He yelled before he rushed out of the house and jumped on the back of the assassin, grabbing the throw knife before stabbing him in the neck. The assassin fell to his knees as his blood spilled out of where the knife wound was. He fell to the ground once he died and Team stood and looked up to check on Win. His face paled when he saw that Win's dad had him up against him with Win's back to his front and a knife to his neck.

"You have a choice human, you can come with me or I can kill him right here in front of you." He said.

"Team, just run to the house." Win said then hissed when the knife against his throat nicked him. Tears filled his eyes at the thought of watching Win die in front of him.

"You have to promise to leave Win and his cousins alone forever." Team said.

"No Team, don't do it just run" Win said trying to get his power to work but his dad must have a power cancel machine on him. It doesn't work on his dad but it does on anyone not holding it.

"Win, I love you and I wish we could have spent forever together." Team said as tears ran down his face.

"So we have a deal then?" Win's dad asked. Team took one last look at the love of his life before he looked at the bastard who was threatening not only his soulmate but his own son.

"Yes we have a deal" he said.

"Nooo!!" Win said before he was pushed forward then Win's dad used super speed to get to him before he was being pushed through a portal. He fell onto a bed with an oomf before he sat up and scanned the room. The portal was gone and it was just him in a room that had a red theme to it since almost everything was either dark red or red orange. The door in front of him opened and he scrambled to the other side of the bed so the bed was between him and whoever was coming in. Win's dad stepped into the room and Team glared at him.

"Now that you have me as your prisoner what are you going to do with me?" He asked.

"That is a good question with a simple answer, I'm going to rape you over and over again then when I am satisfied that you are well and truly broken I will kill you and send your body back to Win."

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