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The time of the first civilization in what is now call Thailand in the first century.

"I can't believe we finally made." Lily said. Cyrus smiled down at his wife and five month old daugther. People past them as they stood on a hill over looking the land that they would build their home and raise their family on.

"Papa let's go" His ten year old son Haven said as be rush past his parents to run down the hill. Cyrus easily ran after him and picked him up in his arms. As he was about to walk back to his wife the ground started to shake and split under him. He quickly moved so he was stable ground as a figure rose up from the giant hole in the ground.

"Who dares come onto sacred ground and disturb the peace of the demon lair." A dark and sinister voice said. Haven clung to his father in fear at the tall and dark red monster above them. People screamed in fear at the giant monster who growled his displeasure at them.

"My apologies, we did not know this place was taken or sacred, we will leave if you want." Cyrus said up at the giant.

"You and your pathetic people must pay for trespassing." He growled making Haven whimper in fear. Cyrus wrapped his arms tighter around him to comfort him.

"Why do we need to be punished if we did not know?" Cyrus asked. "We only wanted to be free of a tyrant king and were told that this was a good place to go but apparently we were wrong and apologized for it. It would be cruel to punish innocent people."

"I am the Demon King, I am known for my cruelty and punishments." Cyrus couldn't hold back what he said next even though it may cost him and his companions their lives.

"Maybe you should try to be a nice demon and treat others how you want to be treated." The Demon King threw back his head and let out a loud laugh that shook the ground again.

"You are bold for a mortal" he said before he closed his eyes and started to shrink till he was human size. He stood six foot four and towered over six foot Cyrus.

"You have made me laugh when no one in my six million years on this realm could and for that I will let you and your people live." He said making Cyrus let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He went to turn to leave but the Demon King's voice stopped him.

"You and your people may stay on this land under my protection but it comes with a price." Cyrus slowly turned to face him.

"What price?" He asked nervously.

"You will pick eight boys from you people including yours to give up to my eight sons to bare their children when they turn seventeen. "

"What!!" He said shocked. An out cry of outrage went up through the large group behind him.

"You can say no but then you must leave my land and I'm pretty sure there are armies heading in your direction to destroy you and your people."

"Males can't bare children, why not eight teenagers girls?" He asked once he quieted the group of people behind him.

"Mortal females can not handle a demon baby within them and it would slowly drive them to kill not only the baby but themselves too. Males are the only one strong enough to carry and birth a demon baby." He said. Cyrus looked back at his frightened people before looking back at the Demon King.

"So we give eight boy to your sons on their seventeenth birth and we will get your protection from the army trying to kill us?" He said.

"You are correct"

"What about your demons?" He asked. "Are we safe from them?"

"No one in my realm or any realm will enter the village you will build."

"If we do this where are we to leave these boys?" He asked. The Demon Kjng snapped his fingers and on a large hill next to the one he was just on with his wife sat a huge black brick mansion with stairs leading up to them and a huge scary gate surrounding all of it.

 The Demon Kjng snapped his fingers and on a large hill next to the one he was just on with his wife sat a huge black brick mansion with stairs leading up to them and a huge scary gate surrounding all of it

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(Ignore the tree)

"My sons will be waiting and when the time has come the chosen ones will be able to pass that gate. If anyone who is not the chosen ones tries to enter they will be severely burned." He said.

"How long do they have to stay?" He asked. The Demon King looked at him before saying.

"Forever, my sons will mate with them and they will be their mates till they both die." He said.

"So I will never see my son again?" Cyrus said clutching a passed out Haven closer to him.

"If he leaves the gated house then he will die due to things best left to the imagination but you can still see him as long as you don't touch the gate." He said before snapping his finger and a long scroll appeared with writing that Cyrus couldn't read.

"Now do we have a deal?" He said. Cyrus looked back at his wife to see tears running down her face as she held their daughter close to her. She nodded before he turned back to the Demon King and nodded.

"Excellent" he said before telling him to place his thumb at the bottom of the scroll. It stung a little when he placed it where he was told. He removed it after a few seconds before the scroll disappeared.

"Oh I forgot to mention that this deal last forever so every generation has to sacrifice eight sons to the next generations offspring." He said before rage filled Cyrus's body. The Demon King laughed and disappeared before he could attack him. What had he done?

Well I hope everything made sense to you guys. I wanted to just give you guys some background on the deal their ancestors made. If you don't get something please don't be afraid to ask me and I will try to explain.

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