Chapter VI

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The next morning, Shirogane Miyuki arrived earlier than everyone else in the student council room. He almost got hit by a car as he raced towards Shuuchiin Academy on his ocean-colored bike. If it wasn't for the driver's good reflexes, he could have literally died for Shinomiya.

The long corridor leading to the room was darker than Miyuki remembered. Has it always been this lonely? Perhaps it was simply his feelings projected into everything around him. He shook his head more than once, trying to shoo the bad thoughts away, and with a slight nod to himself, he turned the door handle. The scenery before him was something he saw everyday for the last two years. The slightest relief calmed what was left of his nerves.

There was no way Kaguya would be gone forever. There must have been a misunderstanding.

There was a misunderstanding, right?

He sat at his desk, opened the left drawer and grabbed the fan Kaguya gave him. The breeze offered by the handmade gift usually made him feel better, but not today.

He had to wait until she arrived, like she always did. At eight o'clock.

The President checked his watch. 7:55.

Minutes passed like hours, and Miyuki thought that if one wanted to torture somebody, they should probably make them wait for hours on end, on a seat, in a vast dark room.


He closed his fan with a thud that resonated in his very soul, as though a door had just been shut on his face. Regret filled his insides, the words Kaguya wrote just the night before echoing in his mind like an unspoken curse.

Perhaps we were never meant to be.

Miyuki looked at his watch for the third time. 8:00

She could arrive any second now. Right?

He watched as the first minute passed by, then the second. 8:04 ... 8:10....8:15

Good bye, Shirogane Miyuki-san.

The door swung open, revealing no one but...

Miyuki's heart fell. It was Fujiwara.

"Good morning, President!" , she bellowed, her voice filled with the usual excitement. She stopped in her tracks as soon as she looked harder into Miyuki's eyes. Her smile faded as fast as it appeared.

"What's wrong, President?" , she asked. "Is something troubling you?"

He shook his head a little too quickly. He blinked twice, regaining his confident features.

"No, I'm okay, Fujiwara. I was dozing off and you startled me upon your arrival."

That's when the pink-haired girl frowned at him. She muttered something Miyuki could not quite discern, before she exclaimed: "LIAR!"

He was so used to her chastising him that he simply kept his mouth shut and listened for what's to come. Obviously, he was a very bad liar. He couldn't help it.

Yet, how could she have guessed this time, as well? There was nothing he wanted her help with, so why now..?

Did Fujiwara know something he didn't?

"President, you're a LIAR! LIAR LIAR! This is about Kaguya-san, isn't it?"

If he was drinking tea at that moment, he would have choked right away. He thanked God for not having anything in his mouth right then, before he remembered that Shinomiya was usually the one to brew tea for him, every single day. His heart constricted in his chest, as if punishing him for his own stupidity.

"How did you know?" , he asked, forgetting the embarrassment that often came with admitting such a thing.

Fujiwara put her bag in the big closet facing Miyuki's desk. She then turned around and walked slowly to the table that centered the student council room, sat on one of the green-tinted sofas. She looked at Shirogane with eyes full of concern.

"She texted me, too" , she finally declared. "I'm worried about her, so I'm guessing you are as well." She sighed. "It's true that this time, she went really far, and we don't know when--"

"Did she tell you where she went?" , Miyuki interrupted.

Before Fujiwara could answer, the door swung open for the second time that day, and in came Ishigami Yuu, the student council's treasurer. He looked at their shocked faces, back and forth, before declaring: "Good morning Fujiwara-senpai. Good morning President. What's wrong with this door today? It's making more noise than usual. Sorry if I startled you."

Yuu paused his bag on the floor next to the closest sofa, then he opened the zipper, pulling a video game console. Without hesitating a single moment, he sat down, resting his feet on the glass-made table before him.

Both Miyuki and Fujiwara stared at him, not quite recovering from the shock of his grand entrance.

"What's the silence about? Are you guys worried about Kaguya-senpai too? Rumor says she'll be there for the whole year. Those people don't even know what they're talking about. Spreading rumors like that..." He tsk tsk tsked, violently clicking the buttons on his console.

"Ishigami" , Miyuki said. "What are you talking about?"

"Didn't you know? Kaguya-senpai went abroad with her family. No one knows when or if she'll ever come back to this school"

Do you ever wonder what would have happened if we didn't have that conversation a year and a half ago?

I messed up. I messed up so bad, was Miyuki's last thought before he collapsed, his head hitting the hard wooden surface of his desk.

Then all went dark.  

Ultimate War (Kaguya x Shirogane Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora