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Girls Aloud stayed and talked with us for a while until it was time for them to get ready. Then they said goodbye to us, took a few pictures and left. They were so nice!

Once they had gone Nathan came and sat next to me on the little sofa in their dressing room. It was only a two seater sofa and Jay and Tom were already sitting on it so it was a bit of a squish. "Ow! Nathan your sitting on me!" I said as he sat right on top of my leg.

"Sorry" he said "if you weren't sitting there I wouldn't have sit on you!"

"Well I was here first so I'm not gonna let you steal my seat" I replied. I was very comfy having a hug with Jay and was not prepared to move.

"Well if you just let me sit there you could go and see Conor Maynard" Nathan said, knowing that it would get my attention.

"CONOR MAYNARD?!" I shouted "Where is he?!"

"Over there" Nathan said gesturing to round a corner in the dressing room where Max and Siva were. I quickly jumped up out of Jays arms and ran to where Max and Siva were sat. He wasn't there.

"NATHAN YOU LIAR!" I shouted and turned back to where Nathan was sat laughing at me.

"Got you!" He said. I wasn't impressed.

"Give me back my seat" I said walking over to Nathan

"No" he replied "I'm comfy". Then I had an idea.

"You won't be comfy for long" I said menacingly then sat down half on Nathan and half on Jay.

"Ow!" They said in unison

"Aww are Jaythan hurt?" I asked sarcastically

"Yes!" They replied in unison again.

"Well you shouldn't have sat in my seat then!" I said and leaned my head back on the sofa, making myself comfy.

"Comfy are you?" Nathan asked.

"Yes, yes I am' I said smugly.

"You won't be for long" he said. I was about to ask why but before I could he pushed me onto the floor. I landed on my backside with a loud thump

"Ow! Nathan that hurt!" I said, frowning at him but he just sat there laughing. Jay, however didn't find it funny.

"Nathan be careful!" He said.

"Don't be nasty to Megs" and he pushed Nathan off of the sofa but kinda failed in proving his point because Nathan landed on top of me.

"Owwww" I said "Now that really hurts. Nath move!" he didn't reply.
"Seriously Nathan this really hurts move!" I shouted. Still no reply.

"Nathan this isn't funny your crushing me!" I said struggling to breathe with all of his weight on top off me. "Jay please move Nathan before he crushes me completely." I asked. Jay then got up and picked up Nathan then put him on the sofa. He had his eyes closed. "Nath this isn't funny." I said, worried now that he had hurt himself. He still didn't reply I got up and sat next to him "Nath" I said "Nath. Nathan Sykes. Nathan James Sykes. Can you hear me? Sid?" I was getting seriously worried now and grabbed his hand to see if he would respond. He squeezed my hand really hard making me jump. "Nathan are you okay? I thought you had passed out or something!" I asked as his eyes opened

"Fooled you!" He said. I frowned, I was not impressed.

"That was not funny" I said bluntly "I thought you were hurt!" He laughed

"Aww does Megs care about me?" He asked.

"Yeah course I do, your my friend and if twitter found out that you were hurt and it was partly my fault the TWfanmily would not be happy!" I replied. He laughed.

"True they would not be impressed!" Nathan said "But I was only joking around with you so there is no need to worry!" And gave me a hug. I have really grown to love Nathan's hugs, there so warm and friendly.

I was snapped out of my my thoughts by Jayne shouting at the boys. "Okay time to get ready boys 20 minutes till show time!" Nathan then jumped off of the sofa and started singing to warm up his voice. The others did the same then they all started singing in harmony. It sounded amazing! I was like I was getting my own little concert! Then they started practicing I found you and all of the boys started practicing the high part, well apart from Nathan who just stood there practicing his dance moves, which were pretty bad. I laughed at him and he pulled faces at me, making me laugh harder.

"Right boys it'a show time!" Jayne shouted above the noise of the lads rehearsing. Jay then grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the stage with them. He let go of my hand at the wings the of the stage then ran on with the others

"Good Luck!" I shouted as they run towards the stage and they all have me a thumbs up.

The screams were deafening! As they ran onto the stage the O2 went crazy! I was amazed by how loud the audience were! But to be honest if I was in the audience I would be screaming really loud too.

They started with I found you and they sang perfectly in tune, like they had in the dressing room and Nathan's dancing was still as bad as what it was in the dressing room! They were all having so much fun, I could tell from the huge grins on their faces that they were having the time of their lives. When I found you finished they spoke to the audience asking them if they were having a good time and the audience screamed really loudly.

Then Jay spoke to the audience "Okay now guys there is someone who we want you to meet. The Wanted's little sister, Megan" what! Why is he telling then that he wants them to meet me?! Quick I've got to hide before someone grabs me and pulls me on stage! Where can I go? I know, I'll go back to the dressing room and hide in there!

I ran from the wings of the stage and to the dressing room. I quickly shut the door and hid in a cupboard with loads of shoes and clothes in it. They won't find me here.

*Max's POV*

Where is she? She was standing in the wings and. Now she's gone.

"Megan come on, don't be shy come and say hello to the O2" Jay said into his microphone and looked towards where Megan was standing. I then ran of stage to go and look for her. I knew where she would be, in the dressing room. I ran down the corridor and into our dressing room but I couldn't see her. Where could she be? Wait a minute. What's that noise?

* End of Max's POV*

Oh no! Why did someone have to call me now? I never get phone calls and now when I'm trying hide a get a call!

Jacob, why couldn't he have phoned me later? Before I got a chance to end the call Max opened the door of the cupboard

"Hiding from someone?" He asked.

"No...." I replied

"Well you can come with me then. He said, grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the stage. I reluctantly followed him towards the stage and ended the call. I'll explain why I couldn't answer the phone later, he'll understand.

As we got closer to the stage I started shaking, I can't stand in front of my class and speak let alone to the whole of the O2! Max felt me shaking.

"Don't worry, it will be fine" he said and smiled.

"I don't even know why Jay wants me to drag me up to the stage anyway!" I said.

"Oh you'll find out..." Max replied and dragged me onto the stage with one hand and a microphone in his other hand. When we came onto the stage the crowd started cheering louder, for Max obviously, not me.

"Here she is!" Jay shouted and pulled me towards him. "This is The Wanted's little sister now please stop sending her hate because she really doesn't deserve it, she'a just a normal teenager like a lot of people in here are" Jay said towards the audience.

WHY DID HE HAVE TO EMBARRASS ME IN FRONT OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE?!! I just looked down, blushing with embarrassment. Then Jay gave me a hug and whispered in my ear away from the microphone"It will all be okay now". I smiled

"Ok can I go now before I die of embarrassment?" I asked him. He laughed and nodded so I ran off of the stage as fast as I could and went back to the dressing room to call back Jacob.

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