you dont need a bully character to be sad for them to be good writers

19 1 12

honestly phineas and ferb did redemption better than 90% of other cartoons. like not with doof at the end we all saw that coming i mean like buford just slowly transitioning from little bastard man to a little bastard man who's genuinely friends with the group. there was never an episode about his boohoo home life or owt the closest to that was the one with his fish where the joke was the gang only helped him because he was more annoying crying and pestering them for hugs than he was bullying them. the arc didnt rlly have a tipping point he just. started acting nicer because he liked spending time with them. it didnt have to be all that complex tbh and a much more realistic way to portray a bully becoming nicer than most shit we get. these characters are kids afterall, a child doesnt have the capacity for spite an adult does unless something horrific has happened to them it makes sense he wouldnt resist liking these kids for long and pretty quickly put his persona aside and join the friend group. its still kinda more insidious that he had a history of picking on baljeet in specific but i like that the later characterisations had baljeet gain a lot more bite to him to balance it out and the relationship was softly retconned from actual bullying to them moreso being prone to bickering. also the episode where they acted like their, by this point forced, bully/victim dynamic was desirable still ended clearly on the side of 'yeah this was buford being a shitter its his fault' and gave baljeet a win at the end with buford actually making up for being a shitter so that was a nice thing to make sure the episode had in it. idk i just like it. pnf never went for anything big or groundbreaking or tried to really make a point, it was very grounded and simple and the coolest things it did were just leading by example

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