Basically you could see the ep through that lense and not be fightin the writers

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Update btw on baljeets pal the ep is certainly open to that interpretation but in terms of intention it seemed to just be about sexism. She didnt look like a boy in the flashback and given how baljeet assumes her being a girl means she has to be a cliche and cant have fun its implied he thought she was a boy bc she liked sports and playing in mud. Either way the episode is kinda neat in that baljeet 1: is under the impression that his friend 'became' a girl since he moved and 5 minutes later he's seen using female pronouns and he treats her like a girl the entire episode and nothing but and 2: aside from phineas, ya know a child, making one (1) comment "she was probably a girl the whole time" nobody is ever like 'DUH idiot ppl cant change gender :))'. (In fact she herself doesnt correct him. Like he says 'since you are now a girl' to her face and she raises no objections so. Take that how you will.) the episode overall in terms of language and dialogue normalised the idea that she MIGHT have 'become' a girl even if that probably wasnt the actual intention and i think thats kinda cool. Its no trans milestone ep by any means but i appreciated that the episode didnt treat baljeet saying she used to be a boy as some massive joke it was just a mundane thing

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