This seems like im whitenighting but in reality im mad cos i symlathise a LOT.

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I know 'i thought i was aro for a while and spent some time in that tag' is laughable as a claim to great knowledge on this subject so im not claiming this gives me much but i just want to say that seeing people in quasiplatonic relationships actually talk about it its actually really damn easy to see why they make that distinction. One person listed out the differences and it was like 'i want to spend the rest of my life with this person alone, circumstances that would lead me to leave even good friends behind like moving would NEVER separate me from this person' ect ect

And you want to know something???? If you can respect trans/nonbinary people even though you dont understand them you can respect this shit. Slur aside cos thats a different issue if you dismiss quasiplatonicrelationships as 'just friendship rebranded by people with an unhealthy view of friendship' you straightup dont understand them. The english language only has one fucking word to describe platonic relationships. When that word is used by 90% of the population to describe anyone from a coworker you talk to at lunch, to someone you only see every few months, to someone you see daily, to someone you're as dedicated to as spouses are to each other of COURSE aro people will want to make a term that more adequately describes the intensity of their relationship. If they dont they either have people vastly underestimating their commitment to someone they fucking love or trying to force a romantic or familial label on the relationship when that doesnt reflect whats actually going on

It doesnt affect my life if aro people want a term that allows them to feel like the connections they make platonically are just as important as any other connection (because they are). And using a term like quasiplatonic is not mutually exclusive with understanding the value of friendship. I dont understand non binary people and i dont understand anything to do with lesbian culture but i can still respect both of those groups. Im not storming in spitting on terms like butch and fem because i an outsider with no knowledge of the mindset thats lead to the creation of those terms dont think they're necessary. That would be fucked up, stupid and lesbophobic. Like jesus, aro people get told their whole lives they're missing a type of relationship that is so important and crucial and when they create one (1) thing that makes them feel just as valid in the relationships they have they're called toxic

Jesus fucking christ

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