Chapter 1

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*Your Pov*
*at the orphanage*
It's 4:30am I had lots of chores to do,I had to do everyone's because even though I am young the bully me.As soon as I got ready I head downstairs I got my MP3 player and put my favourite band which is Exo I listened to them while doing all the chores. The caretaker told us all to get ready because there was people coming to adopt someone. I ran upstairs to my room and I got changed, someone walked in and I turned around and saw my bully:
St:Why are you getting dressed
By:Because there is people adopting
St: No-one would want
By: Why
St: Because your ugly
By: I'm not
St: Just stay in your room
*Bully walks out*
When the bully had walked out of my room,I continued to get changed. As soon as I finished I headed out to the living room I saw 12 familiar faces.
When I realised who they were I just stood quietly, while I looked down I heard my bully trying to seduce ZTao. For some reason I had the urge to tell her to stop:
By:Stephanie leave him alone
St: Why he is famous and rich
By: We all only know you said that cause your a gold digger
St: I'm not you're a slut.She raises her hand to hit you but someone grabs her wrist.
Ztao: What do you think you're doing
St: She called me a gold digger
Ztao: She is a little kid
St: She needs to be put in place
Ztao: She is 4 years old and you are 18. There is a 14 year gap if she needs to be told of it should be the caretaker and not you. He said as he walks back to the boys.
*Ztao's POV*
We got told today that we have to adopt a child.When we arrive at the orphanage, all of a sudden a 18year old girl comes up to me and starts to seduce me. I ignored her when a girl who is about 4 years old says something to the older girl. The older girl raises her hand at the younger girl I quickly rushed over to them and grabbed the older girl's wrist. Once I told the older girl to leave her alone I walked back to the boys:

Ztao: Boy i know who we should adopt 

Kai: Who 

Ztao: The 4 year old I think her name is Kim Byeol 

Kai: If you feel a strong connection with her then you can adopt her 

Ztao: I do and I feel sorry for her because she is 4 and get bullied 

Kai: Then its set you can adopt her 

Ztao: Thanks dude

Once I spoke to the rest of EXO about her I went up to the caretaker:

Ztao: I have decided who I want to adopt 

Ct: Who would you like to adopt 

Ztao: I would like to adopt Kim Byeol

Ct:It's a good thing you decided to adopt her

Ztao: Can I ask why

Ct: She has been here all her life and everyday she gets bullied I have tried to stop it but I can't so I am so grateful that someone has decided to adopt her

Ztao: I will treat her like my own

Ct: Don't  worry I trust you

As I was signing the paper to adopt her the caretaker told her to go and pack, while I was waiting for her to come down the girl who bullied her came and tried to seduce me:

St: Oppa why did you choose that piece of trash

Ztao: She is not trash you are

St: I am not trash she is 

Ztao: She is not caked up in makeup

St: Whatever

*End of Ztao's POV*

*Byeol's POV*

Once Ztao helped me from Stephanie he walked back over to the other boys. He stated to talk to the boys and every once in a while they would look over at me.After a while he walked over to the caretaker and told her something. She handed him some papers he signed them as she walked over to me:

Ct: Hey sweetie do you want to go and pack

By: Why

Ct: Because the nice guy decided to adopt you 

By: Ok I'll go now

I headed upstairs. Once I finished packing I headed downstairs and saw Stephanie trying to seduce appa:

By: Stepanie leave my appa alone 

St: Why 

By: He doesn't want you or like you

St: I dont care if he doesn't like me I like him

Ztao: Please leave me alone I have to go home. Byeol shall we go

By: Yes lets go

We both left Stephanie and headed to the car where the rest of the boys were.Once i climed in I sat on Appa's lap, Uncle Kai looked at me:

Kai: Byeol whats on your arm 

By: Nothing why

Kai: Then why is there a bruise on your arm

By: It's noting 

Ztao: Please explain it your one of us now

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