Chapter 3

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Once the boys were downstairs and ready  for the sleepover,I asked them if they can sing me to sleep and obviously they agreed and they decided to sing lotto. Whilst they were preparing I cuddled on to appa's side.

*Ztao Pov*
When Byeol asked me about a sleepover downstairs with the boys I couldn't say no because when I adopted her the caretaker said she might struggle sleeping on her own. I obviously couldn't say no to her so I took her  downstairs and once boys saw is I could tell that they were worried about Byeol and why she wasn't in bed asleep. I gave them a look off ' I'll tell u later' and I could tell that they understood especially Kai because when I was signing the paper he had heard what was said but the others looked confused. I wondered how bad her past was to not sleep alone. Hearing her voice knocked me out of my thoughts I was excited once I heard what she asked I could tell I wasn't the only person excited. Not even halfway through the song I heard soft snores. Once Suho had made sure she was asleep. The boys wanted to know why she won't sleep without being next to someone.
Chen: Hey why don't Byeol sleep alone.
Ztao: She's had a bad past where her dad would lock her in a room and hit her so she has a hard time sleeping at night. I'm not worried about her sleeping at home but I'm more worried about tour cause on tour it's always a new place.
Rest of the guys: Don't worry we all here to help u.
Ztao: Thanks guys lets get some sleep now.
*Time skip*
Once all the boys were awake I realized that Byeol wasn't awake so I headed upstairs and headed into her room and saw that she was awake but scared.
Ztao: You okay sweetheart
Byeol: No appa
Ztao: Wanna talk about it
Byeol: Yh but uncles need to be patient
Rest of the guys: We will babygirl
*After she finished explaining*
Rest of the guys:We're sorry that you had to go through it. But we promise that you won't go through it ever again.
-After a nap-
I woke up and saw Byeol and all the boys were still asleep. I looked over to the clock that was in the living room and saw it was 9:30am, because of the time I decided to wake all the boys and leave Byeol asleep for a bit longer. Me and Suho headed into the kitchen to make pancakes whilst the rest of the boys got dressed for today. We were nearly finished when we heard the door knock. Me and Suho looked at each other because we wasnt expecting anyone. As we were walking towards the door the rest of the guys except Kai walked down the stairs, cause we all know Kai takes ages getting ready. I opened the door and saw an unfamiliar male.
Ztao: Yes
??: i'm here for my slut of a daughter
Ztao: What do you mean
??: Which one of u is Ztao
Ztao: It's me
??: Well I want my daughter back
Ztao:Well I don't know what u mean the only girl here is my daughter
Byeol:Appa what's going on
Ztao: nothing babygirl why don't Kai go help you with your outfit
Kai: Come on the babygirl
Suho:If you don't leave we'll call the police
??: Why I haven't done anything wrong
Suho: You're trespassing on private property
??:I'm not
Whilst this is going on Chen has called the police.
Police: What's going on here
Ztao: This guy is trespassing on private property and called my daughter a slut
??: Actually she's my daughter
Ztao: She's not. I adopted her a couple of days ago
Police: Sir if he has adopted her by law he is her dad
Ztao: He also tried to force himself into our house
Police: Sir u are arrested for trespassing
Ztao: Thank you officer
Once he was arrested the guys walked back into the house and walked into the living room and saw Byeol and Kai and headed into the dining room
Ztao: Byeol you ready to meet our boss and your grandad
Byeol: Yes
Ztao: Boys we have a meeting about how we will introduce her to our fans
Suho: Does boss know how we're going to do it
Ztao: Well he wants to do it via Instagram but on our own accounts
Kai: Okay
*Time skip to meeting*
Boss: Hey boys is this her
Ztao: Yes
Boss: So as you know I want you to introduce her to your fans via Instagram but if you have any outer ideas let me know
-5 mins of silence-
We were in the meeting for 5 minutes no one has an idea. But I saw a lil hand go up and the boys and boss noticed.
Boss: Yes Byeol you have an idea
Byeol: Yes what about a concert
*Byeol Pov*
I was sitting in the meeting and I got bored,I decided to listen on what was being said and they were discussing how they were going to tell the fans about me so I thought about what appa and uncles like doing that was performing. I raised my hand and heard my grandad asks me that if I had an idea so I suggested a concert.
Boss:That's a great idea what do I think boys
Ztao: I think it's a great idea, why did you choose a concert
Byeol: Because u a d uncles like performing
Boss: That's a clever idea I bet the boys couldn't think of that
The boys: Yh we couldn't
Boss: I think I know how we're going to tell ur fans
Ztao: Yh I think at the end of the concert
Boys: Yh I agree
Boss: When shall we do it
Byeol:What about april 8
Xiumin: Yh that's good cause it's the date we debuted
Boss: Ztao I might need to hire her when she old enough
Ztao:Yh when she's 16 she can work with us and obviously treated the same as a normal worker
Boss: That is if she wants to work her. The reason I suggested it so she is protected by her dad,uncles and the boss
Ztao: Yh
Boss: If anyone messes with her even now. They will be fired. If you guys need to practice bring here and I'll look after her
Ztao: But you've done so much for us already
Boss: But she might get bored when your rehearsing so if she does she can come here but make sure shes either with one of u guys or you staff
Ztao: We have to practice now so is it ok if she stays here with you
Boss: Yh sure
Ztao: Byeol sweetheart your going to stay with grandad whilst appa and uncles need to practice
Byeol: Ok appa. Grandad what are we doing
Boss: Well it's up to u because we can go meet Shinee and NCT and then after we can go see appa and uncles. Yh.
Byeol: Does that mean I can see uncle Jonghyun
Byeol: YAY

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2022 ⏰

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