Chapter 3: Data and Problems

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A/N: I dunno how many chaps I'm gonna do on this one since it really depends on my mood. I'll try to make at least 1 more before I close this book. Also, I'll do a little time skip to when you've worked there for 3 months. Please comment if you have cretic or ideas. Have a nice day,

Your POV:
It's been three months since I've started working with Abby and the others. The first few weeks have been pretty hard since I easily blushed or got embarrassed around Abby. I calmed down after five or six weeks which means I got myself together. I was working at my desk, doing a lot of paperwork for Abby since she was busy helping Gibbs and Kate in another murder. I got to help her a few times, I am a forensic scientist after all, but this time, it was different, she was different...

Abby had been pretty....distant the last few weeks, actually. But I didn't want to talk about it because I thought it was something personal to her, so I let her be, but something was bothering me.

Her and McGee seemed so close too. They would tease each other with perverted puns, only Abby to be honest, and they spent way more time together than Abby spent with me. I knew they were a couple by now, but I still didn't want to give up! Abby was currently analyzing some blood samples and other substances I couldn't identify from the distance between my desk and her lab.

All of a sudden, my phone I laid on my desk rang, it was Gibbs. I picked up and said: „Hey Gibbs! What's up?" „I need you and Agent McGee to find some data on both our culprit and his victim. Call me when you find something" was all he said before he hung up again. „MCGEE?!?" was all I thought. I never wanted to work with this guy, like ever! But the boss told me to, so I had to do it....

I got up from my desk, took the elevator to the main office and walked to McGee's office. He was already doing what we were told to do as a team: Finding data about a murderer and his victim, the unlucky man Ducky was probably doing an autopsy on right now down in the autopsy laboratory.
I had grabbed a coffee on the way to McGee's office, so I sat down next to him, my mug in hand, and started doing my work.

After a few awkwardly silent minutes, he said: „(Y/N), I know you like Abby." It took a few seconds for my brain to comprehend the information he just gave me before I started to stammer nearly unidentifiable words. „I-I-I n-no! W-Why w-would you s-s-say that?!" I nearly screamed at him, my face growing the usual pink back when I first met Abby. He just looked at me and said: „I'm sorry to say that, but she's taken."

At that moment, I realized how much I hated him and this five letters in context with Abby.  „I won't let him have her!" I thought. I got up and looked him directly into the eyes. He knew what he said and so did I. I pushed him to the wall and stood in front of him, but even though I was shorter than him, he still knew what danger he was in right now. His eyes twitched with fear, scared brown eyes meeting furious (E/C) ones. „Listen up, McGee! I advise you get your hands away from Abby before something happens to you. And you wouldn't want that, would you~?" I said, a creepy smile crept over my lips. He just nodded and ran away, towards the elevator. He was scared of me, heck, I even scared myself there for a moment.

I walked out of McGee's office and everyone stared at me. They'd seen how McGee ran past them to get to Abby's lab, probably to break up with her. I didn't like the thought of her being sad about something like this, but it had to be done. I wanted Abby. I wanted her by my side. I needed her with me. I didn't care how, but I knew I wanted to be hers one day. And it seemed like the day had finally come.

I went to the forensic lab as well since I still had to do what Gibbs asked for before he would kick my butt for being too lazy. When I got to my destination, I heard two people arguing: The most beautiful voice I'd ever heard and a voice I would always connect with the man I hate. I sat down at my desk and listened to them since they didn't know I was there. I sat there for a few minutes, doing work and listening to something that would give me a chance with Abby. Then, the voices stopped.

I looked up from my computer, heart beat incredibly fast and eyes staring nervously at the other lab. McGee and Abby looked at each other in anger, and I could swear I saw Abby shedding a tear. „Ohhhhh f—k...." I thought, slowly getting up from my chair. McGee walked out, still angry at both me and Abby. I replied the angry stare and walked towards Abby. She leaned against the counter, looking down at the floor. At that moment, my heart was ripped into two to see her like this. My one half was happy that they were done so I could have a chance myself, but my second half was cursing myself already for making her sad.

I walked up to her, grabbed her shoulder to turn her towards me looked her deep into the eyes. She just looked back at me with a mixed emotion of sadness, anger and...guilt. „Abby please listen: It's my fault that he broke up with you. I'm.....sorry...." I said, looking down. She stayed silent for a few more seconds before embracing me. I thought I was dreaming at first, so blinked a few times before hugging back. She mumbled something into my shoulder that sounded like an apology and a „Thank you", but I didn't bother to break the moment. We stayed like this for what felt like a sweet eternity and I still didn't want to let go. But she did so I let go of her and looked at her with a small smile on my lips.

„Meet me here tomorrow, 6 a.m. I....want to give you something. And I need your help with the case." „Of course! Count on me!" I said, my cheeks turning a slight pink again. She smiled back at me and left. I stood there and watched her leave, mainly looking at her hips. I knew she was putting a bit more swing into them, which made me blush more. Just when the elevator closed, I squealed and jumped up and down the lab. „Finally!" you thought, being more excited than ever for the next day. I grabbed my things and rushed to the elevator, already imagining what would happen the next day.
Word count: 1215

To be continued

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