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Yesterday was amazing ,we went out for ice cream after we unpacked plus i found out that i had like six other brothers and two sisters most of whom are married and have kids. So i am an auntie even though i'm basically seven years old.

''Hey lights out baby girl'' Chris peeked through my door i turning off the lights as i fell into darkness.

I woke up covered in sweat breathing heavily, i had a nightmare about that day, the day my world changed,the day i lost my mom. ''Evangeline i heard screaming, are you okay?'' Chris burst into my room worried ''i-i momma'' i cried. ''Oh baby, come here'' he sat on the bed and pulled me onto his lap rocking me like momma did when i had an attack. 

 Wide awake now, i sat at the kitchen counter drinking hot chocolate while Christian had tea ''so, tell me more about yourself, i mean we haven't seen each other in a since you were two you must have changed''. I told him everything even about that ,night ,there was a lot of crying mostly me.

Waking up with a major headache the next morning SUCK'S. Showering and putting on more comfortable clothes I headed downstairs for breakfast. Entering the kitchen i saw Chris's wife Emily, breastfeeding a little girl. ''H-Hi'' i muttered taking a sit far from them. Deep down i was jealous but i didn't know why.

I know i'm only seven, but due to my stunted growth the doctor said adding more proteins A.K.A breast milk would increase my height and help me grow also considering the fact that i have so many health problems making my immunity low.

''Can i speak with you'' i leaned over and whispered to Christian. He had this aura that made me feel safe around him ''sure, pardon me guys, i'll be back'' he stood up from the table grabbed my hand and led me down some hallway.

I was ashamed that i had to take breast milk at seven but if i ever wanted to be normal i had to follow the doctor's orders. ''What's wrong baby girl'' Chris crouched down to my level i explained the whole breast milk thing and thank goodness he understood but i am still skeptical to tell the others even dad, so it was our little secret .''

' Maybe just this once the world wasn't against me cause for the first time since the incident i slept like a baby'.


SORRY for the late update.

I'll be posting new chapters this weekend.


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