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PS; I forgot to mention this is my first book also there may be some light spanking and breastfeeding


Its the middle of the night and everybody in the Duclane household is asleep, Ava is suddenly woken up by the wails of her baby. Evangeline woke up hungry and needed a daiper change, Ava quickly made her way to the nursery and picked up her sleeping daughter changed her then took her to her and her husbands bedroom to sleep with them. She sat up against the headboard and pressed Evangeline's tiny frame closer to her chest guiding her to her now exposed breast as she immediately latched on. 

Marco was sleeping peacefully until the sound of suckling woke him up''don't you think its time you stopped breastfeeding her?'' he asked his wife as he sat up to look at her face that shone under the moonlight ''you know i cannot, at least not until she grows a bit, you know the doctor said she needs it to help her grow faster'' Ava replied with a sigh. 

It was the truth in Evangeline's case cause even at two years she looked like she was one year old, the family had struggled with Evangeline for the last two years but love her non the less, shes got all of them wrapped around her little frail finger and she doesn't even know it.

Morning finally came and Evangeline lay awake on her papa's chest, due to her speech delay she had a limited vocabulary. Looking down at her father she jumped on his chest screaming''PAPA WAKE UP'' Marco shot out of bed nearly dropping her but quickly caught his giggling daughter''bug next time don't do that'' he told her as he stood up with her on his chest''lets go make your mama some breakfast huh'' he told Evangeline only getting a giggle in response.

They made their way downstairs shocked to find Christian, Sydney, Tobias and Holly already in the kitchen having breakfast''morning guys, what you doing here this early morning?'' Marco asked his children as he placed Evangeline in her high chair. 

Evangeline was oblivious to the grown ups talking until she heard her name in one of their conversations''she's gonna start pre-k next week'' said her dad ''has mom stopped breastfeeding her yet?'' Matthew asked and his father shock his head no ''hows everything going so far?'' it was now Holly who asked her father ''her DPD seems to only have gotten worse and she barely talks, i don't know what to do'' she heard her father sigh. Even thought she had no idea of what they were saying, by the looks on their faces it was not good which caused her to worry.

Her food long forgotten, she felt a pain in her little two year old chest and tried calling for her papa but he couldn't hear her through all the talking. The pain got worse she thought she was dying and no one paid her any mind until she felt a pair of strong hands wrap around her waist as she was hoisted up into a broad chest. Looking up she saw her older third brother Oscar she relaxed into his warmth and placed her thumb in her mouth.

''Yo paps Evangeline here was about to have another panic attack'' he said and everyone's heads automatically snapped in their direction causing Evangeline to hid her face further into Oscars chest. Her family rushed over to her trying to sooth her but all she wanted was her mama ''mama'' she mumbled but only Oscar heard her and told the rest ''i'm gonna take her to mum'' and left them standing there. 

Oscar made his way to his parents bedroom and found that hi mom wasn't their, looking at Evangeline he noticed her eyes dropping so he decieded to take her to her nursery. As he neared the corner he heard sniffling coming from the nursery, he stood infront of the door and pushed it open a crack and saw his mother standing in the middle off the room crying into their driver, Edwards chest. The next words that came out of the drivers mouth shocked him ''Ava darling you have to tell him the truth cause he is your other half, otherwise if he finds out himself the consequences could be far worse'' Oscar could only assume they were talking about his father but, what was the big secret!

After a few minutes Edward finally exited the room and his mother stopped crying, Oscar knew that whatever thy were hiding it could not be good.Oscar entered the nursery holding a sleeping Evangeline in his arms ''mom!'' his mother looked at him then her eyes drifted towards Evangeline ''she almost had an attack and the fell asleep, though i don't think she ate breakfast earlier.'' Ava took her into her arms and sat back on the rocking chair, she guided Evangeline to her breast as she immediatly latched on. 

Oscar just stood there in awe at his baby sister, after some time he got a call from work and headed out but not before saying goodbye to his family.That day was full of events but all Oscar could think about was what big secret was his mother keeping from his father.


HI guys, this is my first chapter and i hope you enjoy it.

Get back to me n what you thing Ava is hiding

Could it be an affair, a secret child or even health problems


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