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I'm updating soon hopefully this weekend


Charlie's POV

Dad stood there fuming i swear you could see smoke coming out of his ears, standing behind him Holly carried a crying Evangeline while the rest of the family looked on dissapointment but i didn't even feel an ounce of guilt cause she deserved to die.

Our family owns the biggest mafia in Italy and has many companies to the side as a cover up. Dad never wanted mom to get involved in this dangerous life so he lied to her.

 My father 'Marco Duclane' is a feared man in Italy even the police are afraid to come near him, he's untouchable. He raised his kids with a firm hand, the truth was that i feared him the most and, i'm the oldest.

''Explain yourself young man before i put a bullet through your thick skull and finally give you some sense'' dad said calmly i didn't want to anger him anymore than i already had but he had to hear the truth ''she's a mistake and is supposed to be dead'' and as soon as i said those words i regretted it because the next thing i know i'm being held up against the wall by my throat ''do not speak about your sister like that, what has she ever done to you'' dad snarled and i could see him loosing control ''she took mom away from me, and don't act all high and mighty because your the one hiding a big secret from mom'' i snapped cause i was angry but deep down i was feeling a bit guilty cause i brought mom into this as collateral damage and things were about to get ugly

 ''Marco whats he talking about?'' mom asked i knew i was on thin ice but i just couldn't stop it was like something snapped in me i so laughed ''oh so you never told your precious wife, wow and i thought i was the crazy one, dear mother let me make this simple....''don't you dare'' dad interrupted me with a snarl ''or you'll what.. mom, dad's the don of the Italian mafia'' just as i said those words i lost conciousness and let the darkness take over


Marco POV

I can't believe my own son, my first born could hurt his sister and worst of all he told his mother about the mafia''FUCK'' i yell and slid all the things off my desk and take a sip of whiskey.

Charlie was sent to a phycaiatrist ward, Ava was not talking to me and my baby girl Evangeline was sleeping in her room oblivious to the events that took place today. I'm so stressed out, i think i'm in way too deep and the only solution is to sent Ava and Evangeline away atleast till things cool down. 

The next day i woke up to the sound of giggling, i went downstairs to find the family eating breakfast as Evangeline was laughing at the twins who were covered in yohgurt. ''Good morning'' at the sound of my voice everyone froze even my baby girl, Ava busied herself with washing the dishes and ignored me the entire morning while the others simply avoided me and stayed out of my way.

It was time to let her go, the love of my life ''Ava honey, i'm sorry but it's for your good know that i love you and always will, please take care of Evangeline for me and tell her i love her'' I told my wife as she cried into my chest while i hugged her.  We talked and all considered what was best for Evangeline, i didn't want her growing up in this life and so she wont be near us at all atleast till she's old enough to understand.

That night ass the children bid goodbye to their mother and baby sister i said goodbye to my heart. Ava smith the love of my life the woman who not only taught me love but made me who i am today i will never love another. My name is Marco Duclane and i'm  heartless.


THX for reading my book! 

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Will Evangeline find out the truth about her family?

UNTOLD MYSTERIES OF MY FAMILYHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin